Frozenbyte Praises Wii U eShop as More Flexible for Indie Studios

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.11.2012 2

Frozenbyte Praises Wii U eShop as More Flexible for Indie Studios on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Wii U's eShop has opened up the doors for more flexible development, according to Finnish studio, Frozenbyte.

In an interview with IGN, the studio's marketing  manager Mikael Haveri praised Nintendo's approach with the eShop and titles from independent developers. Haveri notes that pricing is down to the developer with "basic guidelines from the big guys".

Nintendo have also been more open to patches and DLC, allowing Frozenbyte and others to updates games "as much as we want. For indie developers this is huge!"

Nintendo messed up the worst last time around. Now they really know that they have to make a huge improvement to get back into the game. What I have seen and heard so far is amazing and it's definitely going in the right direction as far as small developers are concerned.

Frozenbyte's latest project, Trine 2: Director's Cut has launched on the eShop in North America and will also be heading to the European download service later this month.

Box art for Trine 2





2D Platformer



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helllo I'm new could someone please explain to me how to modify my account and suff...

WIIUawesome said:
helllo I'm new could someone please explain to me how to modify my account and suff...

Hi WiiUawesome, welcome to Cubed 3.

To modify your profile, go to the top of the page and in the top right hand corner - just next to the logout button - there's a button that should have your username on it. Click that and a dropdown menu will appear, you can then select "Edit Your Profile" and the rest of it is pretty self explanatory.

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If you have any other questions, send me a PM and I'll be glad to help out. Smilie

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