New Super Mario Bros U to Get Wii U DLC Updates in the Future

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.11.2012 5

New Super Mario Bros U to Get Wii U DLC Updates in the Future on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The producer behind New Super Mario Bros U, Takashi Tekuza, has teased DLC options for the Wii U game in the future.

Whilst Mario's outing on the Wii U boasts a solid solo campaign, variety of multiplayer features and challenges, Nintendo don't want the experience to end there. Tekua confirmed in the latest Iwata Asks roundtable session that Nintendo are "planning additional courses", but are trying to "think of ways of play that are different from New Super Mario Bros. 2".

The functionality is already in place, it's just down to the team to whip up some content for Wii U players to download.

Box art for New Super Mario Bros. U





2D Platformer



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It's great this is introduced to Mario platformers, but I really wish user-generated content would be considered. Not sure of the likelihood of a sequel to this on Wii U, but level makers really need to be a future feature of 2D Mario.

Azuardo said:
It's great this is introduced to Mario platformers, but I really wish user-generated content would be considered. Not sure of the likelihood of a sequel to this on Wii U, but level makers really need to be a future feature of 2D Mario.

Good point actually - would be an awesome idea and as they've already touched on that with coin layout creation, maybe they'll take a step further? Would be great I agree - especially with the GamePad.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Expected after the 3DS game.

This game has spent three years in development according to Nintendo. I struggle to see how that time has been spent.

i'm guessing the new super mario bros Wii development team was split in two for new super mario bros U and 2. So its more like 1 and half years development time.

Although I'd love to be able to make my own levels, I don't see it happening. I think Nintendo is too afraid that players will be able to make a better game than they can.

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