Snoop Dogg Will be in the Wii U Tekken Tag 2, Heads to EU eShop

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.11.2012 2

Snoop Dogg Will be in the Wii U Tekken Tag 2, Heads to EU eShop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Snoop Dogg fans rejoice! The American rapper will feature in the Wii U edition of Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

Dogg, or Lion as he's now known, has a stage available as a pre-order bonus for those picking up the XBox 360 and PS3 editions. Not wanting to leave Nintendo fans in the dark, Namco Bandai has confirmed that the Wii U version will also receive the stage by default.

Wii U players will also receive a handful of exclusive Snoop Dogg outfits to kit players out in the rapper's signature style.

With added mushroom power-ups, Tekken Ball and Nintendo characters, the Wii U version is looking to be the definitive version of Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

The publisher also confirmed today that the game will appear on the eShop to download at some point during the Wii U launch window - The game is already set for a Japanese digital release, and is now on course for a virtual session in Europe.

Box art for Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai





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So he's mashing foes like pistachios also...

>Snoop Lion


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