Animal Crossing Ships 600k in Japan, Sells 200k Digitally

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.11.2012 1

Animal Crossing Ships 600k in Japan, Sells 200k Digitally on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo President Satoru Iwata has revealed initial sales figures for Animal Crossing on the 3DS, including downloads.

The man behind the House of Mario described the success of Animal Crossing: New Leaf so far in a series of tweets. In Japan alone Nintendo has shipped 600,000 copies so far, with a an extra 300,000 copies due to be distributed this week.

Interestingly, Iwata also revealed digital eShop figures of New Leaf - over 200k have been sold so far, including those using download cards purchased at retailers.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf is heading to North America and Europe next year.

Box art for Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Also known as

Tobidase Doubutsu no Mori









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Major win for the download scene, I'd say! Congrats to Nintendo for cracking the market with what seems like the greatest of ease...(clearly it's not, since Nintendo has struggled over the years, but still, it's quite an achievement!).

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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