Sonic Races Danica Patrick in New Advert for All-Stars Racing Transformed

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.11.2012 1

Sonic Races Danica Patrick in New Advert for All-Stars Racing Transformed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sonic maybe the fastest critter alive, but auto racer and model Danica Patrick has plans to dethrone the kind of speed.

In a new advert for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, out this Sunday alongside the Wii U, we're joined by Sonic as he pimps out his car, takes to the skies and bumps off poor simian AiAi's fruit stand.

Patrick is the most successful woman in the history of open wheel racing in America and the only woman to win the IndyCar Series. She's also hosted several TV shows, been in various adverts and modelled for sports/mens magazines.

Box art for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed








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I'd rather see an extra sega character, i suppose if it helps sell the game to a few extra race fans which could tip the scales to justify releasing dlc, it will be worth it.

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