Over Ten Minutes of Mario Wii U Gameplay - Miiverse, Coin Battle and Challenges

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.11.2012 11

Over Ten Minutes of Mario Wii U Gameplay - Miiverse, Coin Battle and Challenges on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Today's Japanese Nintendo Direct presentation took at detailed look at what fans can expect from New Super Mario Bros U.

The latest in the popular 2D platforming series follows a similar story setup, however Nintendo have included a lot more depth and options in the Wii U sequel.

Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata was joined by the game's director Masataka Takemoto to explain key additions to the game - including the almost endless, interconnected world map. It spans barren pirate ships, scorching deserts, and mystical mushrooms - seamlessly blending together.


Within the map, there'll be a non-linear path that could see you exploring levels out of order, plus like previous New Super Mario Bros. titles, obstacles will appear at random points - including the recently revealed Nabbit - a strange rabbit-like creature whom players must chase.

Outside of the main game, there'll also be the return of the competitive Coin Battle with team play (2vs2 or 3vs1), plus coin layouts can also be tweaked as demonstrated by Takemoto.

There'll also be a tricky challenge mode to overcome, with single and two player missions to tackle - including surviving against hordes of enemies and having the second player spawning blocks.

The pair also highlight briefly Miiverse integration, where players can leave messages and hand-drawn notes for friends across the map. High scores and video replays can also be shared within the community.

Box art for New Super Mario Bros. U





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (12 Votes)

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Sounds good, but I heard that the game isn't very long. If it's at least as long as NSMBW, it'll be long enough for me.

Although... I still don't see myself buying this for €60. The first one was €45! Smilie

The price is a little bit too high, but there's definitely a fair bit more content here this time round. I was initially skeptical I must admit, but when playing through and seeing NSMB U in the flesh - was converted. Looks really sharp in HD and this video has really solid to me - overworld looks ace!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I'll never question the quality of a Mario game as long as Shigsy is at the helm. It will definitely be a great game, but at the same time definitely a bit too pricey given that they are dealing with a whole heap of Christmas releases!

This looks a hell of a lot better than I initially thought, I was always going to pick this up eventually, but now I might actually get it out of my Birthday money. Smilie

I have to admit that it looks like a lot of fun. Maybe I'll buy it at launch after all.

Sam (guest) 10.11.2012#6


Did anyone else notice the use of the Dr. Mario theme towards the beginning of the video? I thought that was a bit odd. 

This game looks even better than I expected! I hope I can get a hold of a console at launch.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Red XIII said:
Did anyone else notice the use of the Dr. Mario theme towards the beginning of the video? I thought that was a bit odd.

All I heard was the Mario 3 Hammer Bros theme.



I like the fact that the world map is inspired by the Super Mario World one, that looks pretty cool. I hope the game is at least as long as New Super Mario Bros. Wii. If it's less than 7 hours long, I can't see myself buying it anytime soon.

I ordered it from Zavvi for €51. Smilie And apparently the shipping is for free, even to the Netherlands!

I'm also picking up that Raving Rabbids Party Collection game for Wii. It has 1, 2 and TV Party. I never played a RR game, but they always looked kind of fun to me. It's hard to resist for €12.

Azuardo said:
All I heard was the Mario 3 Hammer Bros theme.



Daaahh how dare I get them mixed up! They are pretty similar, though.

( Edited 14.11.2012 09:14 by Azuardo )

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

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