Disney Takes on Nintendo Land in New Wii U Advert

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.11.2012 3

Disney Takes on Nintendo Land in New Wii U Advert on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Stars of the Disney Channel got together to compete in Nintendo Land in a new advert: It's a Wii U Showdown.

The battle sees two stars from Kickin' It and Jessie fight over the touch-screen antics in the "Takamaru's Ninja Castle" attraction in Nintendo Land, demonstrating how the new GamePad works with the touchscreen in tandem with the TV. Both shows are also going head to head for the rest of the month to co-inside with the Wii U marketing.

The collaboration between Disney and Nintendo will also see a competition for a lucky viewer to join stars Debby Ryan and Leo Howard for a Wii U play session.

Box art for Nintendo Land








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An ad's an ad I suppose - but I really would hope Nintendo would not simply rely on the Ninja castle attraction. Perhaps the tackiest (still fun to play though) of the bunch imo.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
An ad's an ad I suppose - but I really would hope Nintendo would not simply rely on the Ninja castle attraction. Perhaps the tackiest (still fun to play though) of the bunch imo.
From what I've seen in terms of gameplay. The game to take the award for most tackiest/the weakest link would be Octopus Dance. It just seems to be the standard rhythm fare. Nothing really exciting about it, imo. Ninja Castle does look pretty fun though, even if it's not one of the strongest games in this collection.

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