A Group of Mario Invade Shopping Centre in Greece to Promote New Super Mario Bros U

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.11.2012 4

A Group of Mario Invade Shopping Centre in Greece to Promote New Super Mario Bros U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In a regular shopping centre in Greece a group of cheerful Mario invaded. Have a look at the damage in the behind the scenes video.

So you're wandering around a shopping centre scoping for the latest deals when a Mario appears, then another, and another.

That's what happened when Nintendo of Greece decided to unleash a horde of guys and girls dressed up as the iconic plumber, mustache and all.

The jumped, rolled and skipped about to promote the latest Mario game, New Super Mario Bros U - with less than a month to go.

Box art for New Super Mario Bros. U





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You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far apart...you're always in my heart. Love u!

LOL this is soooooooooooooooo awesome. It would make my day if I was walking and a bunch of Mario's popped up everywhere.

Like most Greeks can afford a Wii U right now...

Linkyshinks said:
Like most Greeks can afford a Wii U right now...

More like that most of them can barely find the time to play video games. Greeks work REALLY hard...it's really unfortunate they're in this economic mess right now. A lot of Europeans and those people on that island next to it can learn something from the Greek work mentality.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far apart...you're always in my heart. Love u!

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