Watch: Nintendo Reveals First Wii U Advert for America

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.11.2012 8

Watch: Nintendo Reveals First Wii U Advert for America on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With just over a fortnight to go, Nintendo has revealed the first TV adverts for the new Wii U console in America.

Taking a slightly wider direction to the first snippets of the UK campaign, the footage shows various boxes - each containing a scenario that the Wii U could be used for - from family play to karaoke, getting comfy with a film to more karaoke.

The only thing missing is mention that the Wii U is a new console, rather than just a new controller - plus the lack of any solo play or something for the "hardcore" player. On the flip side, the hardcore player would likely already know about the Wii U setup regardless.

For now, take a look at the Nintendo Wii U North American TV debut.


What do you think of the first TV advert in Nintendo of America's Wii U campaign?

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I think it's going to confuse alot of American consumers who are not in the "know" of gaming. Just saying "All new WiiU" isn't enough in my opinion. That phrase can easily be seen as "oh it's a new controller for my Wii" I feel like there will be alot of people that are uninterested in the Wii U because of this commercial. They should've went the way of the UK ad, I sent my mom and sisters that one and they were excited right away. The US ad on the other hand doesn't explain it's self at all to people who know nothing about video games.

Odds are there will be several complaints made in retailers from customers as to why they have to pay 300$ for a controller. And judging from alot of these employees I've ran into in stores I doubt many of them will have any answer for that question. Maybe it won't be that bad, but I can see that happening and damaging their sells in the US.

I agree with you on this one J Tangle. Can you imagine if people thought you had to have a Wii as well? So they go out and buy a Wii and a Wii U (This is for people who don't own Wiis) Yeah... Nintendo really needs to clear this up, like they did in the UK.

Though one thing is that NoA gets the Wii U out there, has demo pods in stores so that people can try them out. As long as there's some indication that it is a brand new console, all should be good. In the UK, you have to go to events to try out the Wii U, because no stores have the demo pods. At least, not anywhere near me.

Heh, some girl I know was complaining that Nintendo are no longer supporting the 3DS and she didn't understand that the 3DS was a completely new upgrade. She thought that it was all to do with the cartridge size. Not to do with the hardware. I soon lectured her on that topic though.

Yeah... I'm not surprised if people don't like me. I lecture people a lot.. Smilie

Method (guest) 02.11.2012#3

It says in the start of the commercial, ( the new wii u) 

Not a great ad, no allusion to the core audience from Nintendo themselves, is a big mistake.

Entity (guest) 02.11.2012#5

This was BAD! No Batman, ZombiU or Rayman etc? WTF? This will confuse the market like crazy! BAD!

And why, again, can't I sign in?

They wouldn't advertise those games, but they could have alluded to core games they are publishing.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's ok. Definitely not as funny and interesting as "Wii would like to play". I do agree with the comments here. They need to show the console to show that it is something different and not just an add on. And as a side note, the music doesn't really help. This is how you promote something. It's Japanese but mixed with other elements to be "cool" to American audiences. Then again, idk, the 3DS is the fastest selling console right?

Oh it'll sell alright. Don't worry, I don't think Nintendo cares one bit what hardcore Nintendo fans think makes a great commercial - those sales are of course guaranteed.
I don't know what the best strategy is here either, but it seems to be an almost game exclusive system. Might be good to inform people you can do anything with it you can do on your tablet or modern phone. That's just the basics for me. Great games - cool, but I don't really have need for single function devices. From what I heard  though, it'll have ability to play movies and music? That's a start.
This is the year 2004, right?

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

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