Earn Points on Wii U Downloads for Wii U Deluxe Owners

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.10.2012 10

Earn Points on Wii U Downloads for Wii U Deluxe Owners on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have announced plans for North American Wii U owners to receive points for downloading games for Deluxe owners.

The Deluxe Digital Promotion, announced today, will only apply to those who buy the Deluxe Wii U console.

By buying digital content on the Nintendo eShop or using download codes, players will earn points that are equivalent to 10% of the download price. For every 500 points earned, $5 can be used towards a future download.

For example by downloading the digital version of New Super Mario Bros U at $59.99, players will receive 599 points.

Image for Earn Points on Wii U Downloads for Wii U Deluxe Owners

The offer will only be valid from launch day, November 18th until December 31st 2014.

The Deluxe Digital Promotion website, launching in December, will allow players to sign in using their Nintendo Network ID to see how many points have been earned.

From day one, we want Wii U owners to experience the full breadth of great downloadable games and content available for the console. The Deluxe Digital Promotion is our way of encouraging Wii U Deluxe Set owners to explore the Nintendo eShop and discover how Wii U offers an incredible combination of fun, innovation, convenience and value."

Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of Sales & Marketing.

Similar promotions for other regions have yet to be announced at time of writing.

What do you think of the scheme? Should it be for all Wii U owners and not a limited-time deal?

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I don't get how there's a catch. Nintendo Network Premium was always only for people who bought the Deluxe/Premium console and only planned to run till the end of 2014. Nintendo never stated otherwise.

On top of the smexy black console and NintendoLand as a pack-in title, I think this really adds something great for people who plan on purchasing a lot of digital content. I know I'll be purchasing my  fair share of it.

Has it been confirmed for Europe yet? I've only seen it for the US thus far.

A high selling point for buying digitally certainly, very much so if more games like Tekken are cheaper as downloadables.

Phoenom said:
Has it been confirmed for Europe yet? I've only seen it for the US thus far.

A high selling point for buying digitally certainly, very much so if more games like Tekken are cheaper as downloadables.

Yes, it was confirmed in the Nintendo Direct for the Wii U back in September. Satoru Shibata told us about getting 10% of all our eShop purchases back, in form of points. Back then, it was called Nintendo Network Premium, not sure if this is still the case for Europe.

Don't you worry, though. We are most certainly getting this with our purchases of the Premium Pack. Smilie This scheme is even in Japan, I believe.

EDIT: Here is a screenshot taken from the European Nintendo Direct back in September, detailing Nintendo Network Premium.

Image for

All of the information in this news article was available back then, so I'm not sure why there's a "catch". Nintendo never stated anything else after announcing this rewards program. Smilie

( Edited 31.10.2012 09:31 by Mush )

Mush said:
I don't get how there's a catch. Nintendo Network Premium was always only for people who bought the Deluxe/Premium console and only planned to run till the end of 2014. Nintendo never stated otherwise.

On top of the smexy black console and NintendoLand as a pack-in title, I think this really adds something great for people who plan on purchasing a lot of digital content. I know I'll be purchasing my  fair share of it.

A catch is when an offer is tied exclusively to a consumer following very strict rules. That is obviously open to interpretation but I think this offer counts as having a catch. I dont have a problem with these kind of offers as long as they are are easy to understand and follow so you dont con yourself out of the deal. I was always getting the deluxe wii U so Im happy. 

I do think its odd to penalise those who buy the white wii U. There are so many reasons why you might buy the wii U basic: the white colour, no interest in nintendo Land (which is not free in the delux its in the price increase)  

They should offer this service for a small fee (£20 maybe) 

meeto_0 said:
I do think its odd to penalise those who buy the white wii U. There are so many reasons why you might buy the wii U basic: the white colour, no interest in nintendo Land (which is not free in the delux its in the price increase)  

They should offer this service for a small fee (£20 maybe) 

I don't think it's odd. The white Wii U has 4GB of internal memory, that's pretty much nothing, considering that some downloadable games are around 1-2GB nowadays.

Don't get me wrong, 32GB is nothing too nowadays, but you can at least store a few eShop games on there with no problems. Nintendo's main focus with the Premium Pack is to offer people an incentive to download, rather than go into the store and buy a retail copy. Not all people have internet access though, which is why they may opt to get the white Wii U, as it's cheaper and they probably don't need the extra 28GB of space they would get with the Premium.

As long as they make all of these things clear with the public by launch date, I don't see anything wrong with it. Besides, most people are getting the Premium Pack, hence why preorders are sold out pretty much everywhere, whilst the Basic Pack is still available to preorder.

Mush said:
meeto_0 said:
I do think its odd to penalise those who buy the white wii U. There are so many reasons why you might buy the wii U basic: the white colour, no interest in nintendo Land (which is not free in the delux its in the price increase)  

They should offer this service for a small fee (£20 maybe) 

I don't think it's odd. The white Wii U has 4GB of internal memory, that's pretty much nothing, considering that some downloadable games are around 1-2GB nowadays.

Don't get me wrong, 32GB is nothing too nowadays, but you can at least store a few eShop games on there with no problems. Nintendo's main focus with the Premium Pack is to offer people an incentive to download, rather than go into the store and buy a retail copy. Not all people have internet access though, which is why they may opt to get the white Wii U, as it's cheaper and they probably don't need the extra 28GB of space they would get with the Premium.

As long as they make all of these things clear with the public by launch date, I don't see anything wrong with it. Besides, most people are getting the Premium Pack, hence why preorders are sold out pretty much everywhere, whilst the Basic Pack is still available to preorder.

It's 8GB not 4.

Stulaw said:
It's 8GB not 4.
Yeah, sorry about that. I was thinking about the 4GB Xbox 360, for some reason. Smilie Thanks for correcting me.

Hm I never thought of buying retail games from the eShop... Suddenly that 10% is a lot more interesting.

I'm just afraid that the online prices will always be higher than retail ones, like with the 3DS. Smilie

Canyarion said:
Hm I never thought of buying retail games from the eShop... Suddenly that 10% is a lot more interesting.

I'm just afraid that the online prices will always be higher than retail ones, like with the 3DS. Smilie

Im still very unsure about digital downloads. The whole area is so messed up. With games do you own the game or are you renting like you do with itunes music and kindle books? Can nintendo disable your game library if it thinks you have broken its house rules? Not to mention the weird price structure (which was suppose to be a main selling point when downloads first entered the scene) crazy DRM, no resale value and no borrowing. The only upside is not having to physically change the game in the machine and saving space.

Yeah, all good points and things I often consider.

Now that I think of it, I should probably stick to disc-based games. I love borrowing, lending and reselling games.

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