Disney Purchases LucasArts, Likely Shift to Mobile Over Console Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.10.2012 9

Disney Purchases LucasArts, Likely Shift to Mobile Over Console Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The House of Mouse has pounced on the owner of Star Wars, Lucasfilm, today in a deal valued at over $4.05 billion.

The acquisition includes all of Lucasfilm, including video game studio LucasArts. Company founder and franchise creator George Lucas said "I've always believed that Star Wars could live beyond me, and I thought it was important to set up the transition during my lifetime."

The deal also sees an expansion of the six main Star Wars films with three more films planned - Episode 7 is targeted for a 2015 release.

But where does this leave the video game side of the Lucasfilm business?

The direction for console gaming releases from LucasArts may take a slight hit, however - with a proposed shift towards online networks and mobile.

We are likely to focus more on social and mobile than we are on console. We'll look opportunistically at console, most likely in licensing rather than publishing.

But we think that given the nature of these characters and how well known they are, and the storytelling, that they lend themselves quite nicely, as they've already demonstrated to the other platforms.

The studio have been responsible for the Lego Indiana Jones, Lego Star Wars, Fracture and of course a slew of Star Wars games. But LucasArts also have an illustrious history with adventure games - including fan favourites Full Throttle, Monkey Island and Sam & Max.

The announcement also intends, currently, for employees to remain in their current capacity.

What do you think of the Disney - LucasFilm acquisition? Will fans of Star Wars: Rogue Squadron ever see a new entry in the series?

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I think we could soon be seeing the SW universe featured in a new Kingdom Hearts!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Adam Riley said:
I think we could soon be seeing the SW universe featured in a new Kingdom Hearts!

I thought that about the Marvel franchises, hasn't happened yet. Smilie

Kinda wish this happened years ago, Disney would have had enough sense to see that WiiMotionPlus + High Budget Lightsaber game = insane profit.

Lets face it. Disney is probably one of the best choices and someone needed to take it off George Lucas before he completely destroyed all of it's credibility! We all knew he originally planned nine films and there was no way he was going to finish them. 

Trepe said:
Lets face it. Disney is probably one of the best choices and someone needed to take it off George Lucas  

No they didnt, Lucas Film could have remained indepedant. Lucas doesnt have to scriptwrite just because his name is on the logo.

He should have got someone new too take over as CEO rather then selling the whole company to a company that already makes about 1/6th of everything we watch.

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I still don't know what to think of this... should I feel elated or terrified? I've been a HUGE Star Wars fan since I was about 3yrs old in the early, early '80s. Either way, I feel a lot of anxiety right now, that's for sure.Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.


Hahaha!  Smilie


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Its the fact that they are going to release a new movie every 2-3 years after Episodes VII, VIII and IX. They are just going to water down the franchise...i am absolutely mortified by this and utterly disgusted.

Furthermore, the games division at LucasArts (or at least the games they publish) are phenomenal and some of the best in history. 

Darkflame said:
Trepe said:
Lets face it. Disney is probably one of the best choices and someone needed to take it off George Lucas  

No they didnt, Lucas Film could have remained indepedant. Lucas doesnt have to scriptwrite just because his name is on the logo.

I don't think it should have been sold either. I just think Disney was probably the best choice. Let me re-phrase what I meant. The films needed taking out of Lucas' hands. I didn't mean he needed to sell the company. 

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