Chase Nabbits and Create Coin Layouts in New Super Mario Bros. U

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.10.2012 1

Chase Nabbits and Create Coin Layouts in New Super Mario Bros. U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has outlined some of the extra modes and features available in the Wii U version of Mario's popular 2D platform series.

In an email blast today, the UK arm detailed some of the extra features included in New Super Mario Bros. U  that help add an extra layer of depth for those accustomed to the games on the Wii/DS.

Image for Chase Nabbits and Create Coin Layouts in New Super Mario Bros. U

Challenge Mode will test those reflexes and speed-running abilities with four single-player options: Time Attack, Coin Collection, 1-UP Rally and Special (specific challenges).

There'll also be a Boost Mode feature for two players - one using the GamePad and the other with a Wii Remote.

Nintendo also confirmed video replays - with the ability to save a performance after completing a challenge.

Image for Chase Nabbits and Create Coin Layouts in New Super Mario Bros. U

As well as co-operative play, Nintendo also outlined a competitive Coin Battle feature, where up to four players compete to see who can collect the most coins. A fifth, using the GamePad, can create and save coin layouts to be used in these specific courses.

Whilst playing through, a creature known as Nabbit will appear randomly on the world map - players must enter the course and catch this critter. Upon doing so, you'll be granted to a powerful P-Acorn to fly continuously through the stage.

Finally, Nintendo re-iterated the previously announced World Map feature - last seen in Super Mario World - that contains a seamless world map with named areas and courses. Many secret areas await!

Image for Chase Nabbits and Create Coin Layouts in New Super Mario Bros. U

See more screenshots in the New Super Mario Bros U album below.

Box art for New Super Mario Bros. U





2D Platformer



C3 Score

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Sounds good! I'm just a bit worried about the price. NSMBW was €45, this is €62 from what I can see. For me that's the difference between insta-buy and let's-wait-until-the-price-drops-and-then-we'll-see.

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