Dragon Quest VII for 3DS - Developer, Orchestra Confirmed

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.10.2012 8

Dragon Quest VII for 3DS - Developer, Orchestra Confirmed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion


A teaser site for the 3DS version has launched, confirming a release on February 7 2013. As for developer, the folk who worked on past Dragon Quest DS remakes and helped create the original Playstation Dragon Quest VII, are working on the 3DS remake.

ArtePiazza, the studio that handled Dragon Quest VII and the DS remakes, is developing Dragon Quest VII: Warriors of Eden for the Nintendo 3DS.

Additionally, according to Siliconera there will be three save files and an orchestrated soundtrack recorded by the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra.

Original Story:

The latest issue of Jump magazine in Japan has confirmed a 3DS remake of the PlayStation RPG Dragon Quest VII.

Release just over a decade ago, the original game involved a protagonist who uncovers a map fragment that  reveals continents that used to exist in the past. With the hero's father, the pair travel back in time to fix the damage dealt to restore these regions in the present.

The magazine confirms that the 3DS edition will be a remake of the original PlayStation game and include exchange of lithographs using StreetPass.

The title is confirmed for a release in February 2013 in Japan.

Image for Dragon Quest VII for 3DS - Developer, Orchestra Confirmed
Box art for Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past

Arte Piazza


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Smilie Smilie Smilie Smilie Smilie Smilie

The rumour of a 'seventh game in a popular series coming to 3DS' were true!!!!! Smilie Smilie Smilie Smilie Smilie


Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
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Didn't own that specific episode yet (even pondered importing Dragon Warrior VII at some point).

Now at least here's a good chance of the game finally reaching PAL territories. That little screenshot up there seems to indicate a considerable graphical overhaul (at least a departure from the mixture of 3D environments with 2D sprites on top of the original VII as well as the DS versions of IV, V and VI). I certainly hope that Square Enix will pull all stops in terms of eye candy, like they clearly did with Bravely Default.

( Edited 30.10.2012 22:33 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Adam Riley said:
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Smilie Smilie Smilie Smilie Smilie Smilie

The rumour of a 'seventh game in a popular series coming to 3DS' were true!!!!! Smilie Smilie Smilie Smilie Smilie


*Mourns over depleted hope of FF7 Remake*

Anyways, bring it over Square and I'll get excited. Bravely Default too while you're at it. Smilie

Where is my FFV remake on 3DS Square! Smilie

Cool news! This was my first DQ game (I knew it as Dragon Warrior), and it really broadened my RPG horizons away from just Final Fantasy. I went on to love DQVIII, and came back and beat this one properly. 

The graphical overhaul looks great. I wonder if they'll remix the music, too. Someday, when I have a 3DS, I'll buy this and the other 20 games I want. 

How dare they tease FFVII lovers like that, though...

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<


You wanna go here if you likes Prons. [url]

Updated with a few new details (thanks Az) - Developer, orchestrated soundtrack confirmed!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I got my wish! The soundtrack will be even more marvelous now. I hope Sugiyama directs and conducts per usual. 

Having played the game, the only thing I don't get is the subtitle. 

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

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