Japan Gets Lottery Only Charizard Nintendo 3DS XL

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.10.2012 2

Japan Gets Lottery Only Charizard Nintendo 3DS XL on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Pokémon Company are releasing another themed Nintendo 3DS XL, this time with the King of fire, Charizard.

Remember the days when trying to get a Charizard Pokémon trading card was incredibly rare? Well that feeling returns to Japan with a rather scrumptious new and very much exclusive model of the 3DS XL due in December.

The Charizard 3DS XL has the series' most regarded fire Pokémon outlined on the front with a flame scrawled across the back, as if to say set fire to these batteries.

The console will cost the standard 18,900 yen to purchase, but to qualify fans will have to be drawn from a random lottery between December 15th and January 14th.

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God damn that's cool.

I still wish they would orient the Pokemon to not be upside down while the system is open.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

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