Wii U Games from EA Will Require Origin Account

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.10.2012

Wii U Games from EA Will Require Origin Account on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

EA have confirmed that online EA titles on Wii U will have to share account information as part of the Origin Engine.

The publisher behind the likes of Mass Effect and Fifa already collects details from Xbox 360 and PS3 users, such as friends and email address, to form an Origin account. A recently updated privacy policy now includes Wii U games, which will be required to play any EA title online on the upcoming console.

By signing up to play EA's titles, you agree that limited user account information can be transferred to EA. Information transferred to EA includes your Mii information, email address, Nintendo Network ID, friend list, country, language and date of birth but does not include credit card number or other financial account information

There was rumblings in the past that the online focus between EA and Nintendo was shakey due to the need for Origin, but by the sounds of things future Wii U titles from the publisher will support online play.

The document also notes "Nintendo Network ID", which is the likely successor to the archaic friend codes system.

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