Final Nintendo Land Wii U Attractions Revealed

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.10.2012 6

Final Nintendo Land Wii U Attractions Revealed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The final selection of mini-games for Nintendo Land have been revealed: including F-Zero and Yoshi.

The franchise-filled Wii U launch game already includes a comprehensive Nintendo selection - The Legend of Zelda, Mario, Metroid and Animal Crossing - and now the final lot have been detailed.

Captain Falcon's Twister Race, previously made public at this year's E3, is a single player race where you pilot a craft using the GamePad horizontally upright.

In Octopus Dance, also a single player game, players follow the movement of the classic octopus and try to recall the path using the control sticks/motion gyros.

Everyone's favourite green dinosaur Yoshi has his own Fruit Cart where players guide it towards the goal and catch fruit. Sound simple? Fruit is only shown on the TV, but not on on the GamePad screen.

Box art for Nintendo Land








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Ah we need to see it in action! Describing it is no use.

Is anyone else a bit worried about Nintendo Land? I was almost only looking forward to the Zelda game... until I heard it's actually on rails. o_O Metroid is the only other minigame I'd want to play.

Canyarion said:
Ah we need to see it in action! Describing it is no use.

Is anyone else a bit worried about Nintendo Land? I was almost only looking forward to the Zelda game... until I heard it's actually on rails. o_O Metroid is the only other minigame I'd want to play.

The Zelda game is on-rails? :/ Where did you hear about that?

Ah well, Metroid looks great and so do the multiplayer games.

I'm not particularly worried about it. I've read plenty of hands-on impressions and many people are actually pleasantly surprised by it. I'm getting it with my black Wii U either way, so I might as well give it a chance to prove itself.

Zelda is on rails, yeah. Don't know if there's even more than one level. Just remember N-Land is a party/multiplayer game and you may not be disappointed.

Azuardo said:
Zelda is on rails, yeah. Don't know if there's even more than one level. Just remember N-Land is a party/multiplayer game and you may not be disappointed.
Apparently, each attraction has more than one mode/level and is almost like a full game within a game. Can't remember who said this now, but it was definitely one of the Nintendo staff members. Did anyone play the Swordplay minigame from Wii Sports Resort? If BattleQuest is anything like the Survival mode in that, I'll probably get a good few hours out of it.

I know for a fact that Metroid has a few different modes and appears to be the strongest out of the lot. I think they all look fantastic though, really love the art style.

Hope it's better than the last on rails zelda they did. Mostly looking forward to octopus dance though, is there a video available of that yet? I searched on youtube, but I don't think this is it(I don't think the graphics on WiiU are like this...because of the gamepad needing extra power or something - it was on cubed3 some time ago), anyway:

Wonder if it's available with balance board to register dance moves.

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