New Call of Duty Wii U Video, Upscales to 1080p

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.10.2012 8

New Call of Duty Wii U Video, Upscales to 1080p on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Activision have released a zombie-crammed trailer for the upcoming onslaught that is Call of Duty: Black Ops II.

As well as the more traditional war combat, the game will continue what's becoming a growing tradition in shooters - the zombie feature. This time round try to catch the bus as players rummage through a deserted café, scavenge the streets and even use a "zombie shield" to keep those slobbering foes at bay.


A representative for Activision also confirmed that the Wii U version will not run in native 1080p resolution, and will upscale the experience at hardware level (presumably from 720p).

Finally, the Nuketown map that hit the web last week will be a pre-order bonus for all version, including the Wii U.

Box art for Call of Duty: Black Ops II





First Person Shooter



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"Finally, the Nuketown map that hit the web last week will be a pre-order bonus for all version, including the Wii U."

First confirmation that Nintendo isn't BSing us about DLC again?

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

"A representative for Activision also confirmed that the Wii U version will not run in native 1080p resolution, and will upscale the experience at hardware level (presumably from 720p)."

Son of a... *facepalm*

Chance favors the prepared mind.

It was pretty obvious this was going to happen, I'm pretty sure the console versions aren't even running at 720p natively, unless they've updated that for BO2. Don't see any reason to complain about this, as it's Activision's choice to keep it on par with the other console versions. Fair play to them really, no point in putting that much extra effort into the detail of the game when you already have all that to port over to a new system.

Wait.. do the 360/PS3 versions run in native 1080p? If they don't then I don't see why they'd bother making the Wii U version do so. If the Sony/Microsoft offerings do and Nintendo's don't however.. 

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

The Strat Man said:
Wait.. do the 360/PS3 versions run in native 1080p? If they don't then I don't see why they'd bother making the Wii U version do so. If the Sony/Microsoft offerings do and Nintendo's don't however.. 
No, I'm pretty sure they don't. I could be wrong though.

From what I've read - yep, both the X360 and PS3 editions don't run in native 1080p, and something like the X360 upscales but the PS3 doesn't?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Resolution in general is interesting - neither the 360 or PS3 run many games at all at 1080p - most games run at a lower res and are upscaled by the console...I'm surprised at that, I thought they were both chucking out any resolution you chose.  Seems not.

Mush said:
It was pretty obvious this was going to happen, I'm pretty sure the console versions aren't even running at 720p natively, unless they've updated that for BO2. Don't see any reason to complain about this, as it's Activision's choice to keep it on par with the other console versions. Fair play to them really, no point in putting that much extra effort into the detail of the game when you already have all that to port over to a new system.

PC games can almost always run natively in any resolution you want, it baffles me why when coding for consoles they cant do the same. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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