Explore Over 10 Minutes of E.X. Troopers 3DS Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.10.2012 2

Explore Over 10 Minutes of E.X. Troopers 3DS Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The folk behind Capcom's upcoming 3DS version of Lost Planet spin-off, E.X. Troopers, recently got together to demo the game.

In over ten minutes of gameplay footage, see how the control setup works, working alongside other local players in a co-operative feature and battling huge beasts with manga-inspired text effects. Set on the planet of EDN-3rd, the game features co-operative multiplayer, various bases that investigate aliens, environment expansions and train you up in all things E.X.

E.X. Troopers is touching down in Japan later this year, but Capcom currently don't have any plans to localise the project for the West.


Are you interested in E.X. Troopers for Nintendo 3DS - should Capcom bring the game to a handheld near you?

Box art for E.X. Troopers








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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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I am, "but no plans for localization" according to Capcom

Yes this reminds me of Phantasy Star which is AWESOME, & since PSO2 is UNFORTUNATLY Vita exclusive (which is a mistake on SEGA's part if they hope to make money) so this would be a great game with online play to fill in that gap. I really REALLY don't want to have to buy PSO2 on a SOny platform if I can afford it.....but I really want to play it as well.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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