Take on Zombies and Save the Ladies Using a Skateboard in Zombie Skape

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.10.2012 2

Take on Zombies and Save the Ladies Using a Skateboard in Zombie Skape on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

EnjoyUp has announced a new downloadable action/survival game, where players fend of zombies whilst skateboarding.

The days where the undead could be pelted with a stream of deadly bullets have been brushed to one side in favour of a rather different survival horror outing. Enter Zombie Skape​, a new game for the 3DS eShop and DSiWare service.

Zombie Skape stars a skater known as Ethan, his dreams to turn pro one day shattered when, during training one day, he's surrounded by a horde of zombies. He skates to survive, picking up survivors - damsels in distress - on his way.

Image for Take on Zombies and Save the Ladies Using a Skateboard in Zombie Skape

More scary screenshots can be found in the game's album below.

Box art for Zombie Skape








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Meh...I still say Little Red Ridinghood's Zombie Barbeque is the best game of this genere.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
AdamC3 (guest) 11.10.2012#2

Same team, so I'm definitely looking forward to this. They also previously worked with Akaoni, the guys behind Zombie Panic - you can see the similarities!

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