Batman Sneaks up onto Wii U in New Walkthrough Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.10.2012 6

Batman Sneaks up onto Wii U in New Walkthrough Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The caped crusader dons his utility belt, mask and all new suit to fight crime again on Wii U - see the new mechanics in action.

The Armoured Edition of Batman Arkham City is launching alongside the Wii U this year, brining with it an immersive new experience that attempts to bring fans closer to the gruff hero himself. Use the Wii U GamePad as a secondary device to pull up items, scan the nearby area and solve puzzles through the nifty interactive interface.

We had a mixed time with the game in its previous post-E3 state - useful additions but tricky to manage in the heat of the moment. The latest trailer explores the Wii U edition and how the GamePad has been used to shake things up and assist Mr Wayne.

Box art for Batman: Arkham City
Also known as

Batman: Arkham City - Armored Edition




Warner Bros.





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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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shat (guest) 09.10.2012#1

this isnt new

That dude must be rich! He has a cinema size screen in his bedroom just for gaming.

russgreeno said:
That dude must be rich! He has a cinema size screen in his bedroom just for gaming.
Yeah, it's just a tad bit unrealistic. Smilie Btw, this isn't new. This was shown after E3, if my memory serves me right. It's definitely a few months old, unless they added some new stuff into it.

Oh btw, welcome to Cubed3 russgreeno. You should post some more and become an active member. It's always nice to have new members. Smilie

Jay (guest) 10.10.2012#4

This is the one port with added features I'm tempted to get. 

Mush said:
Oh btw, welcome to Cubed3 russgreeno. You should post some more and become an active member. It's always nice to have new members. Smilie

Thanks Mush - I used to visit and comment a fair bit a few years ago, I don't know what happened - think I just forgot to come back. That's the trouble when there is gaming news EVERYWHERE :-Smilie

russgreeno said:
Mush said:
Oh btw, welcome to Cubed3 russgreeno. You should post some more and become an active member. It's always nice to have new members. Smilie

Thanks Mush - I used to visit and comment a fair bit a few years ago, I don't know what happened - think I just forgot to come back. That's the trouble when there is gaming news EVERYWHERE :-Smilie

Well, make sure you stick around this time. Smilie

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