Marching Band Performs Video Game Tribute - Mario, Zelda, Pacman and more!

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.10.2012 4

Marching Band Performs Video Game Tribute - Mario, Zelda, Pacman and more! on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Ohio State University Marching Band recently performed a video game tribute that included Mario, Zelda and Pacman.

During the half-time show against Nebraska this week, the  group formed various iconic scenes from videos games past and present, including a running Epona from the Legend of Zelda, the flag and castle scene from Super Mario Bros, plus a tribute to everyone's favourite electric mouse Pikachu.


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The Epona part is unbelievable, it must have taken ages to rehearse.

Seen this a few days ago, it's amazing. It's really nice to see video game music incorporated into sports half time shows and even the Olympics. I feel that videogames have been appreciated by a wider variety of people in more recent years and it's really nice to see. Smilie

Marzy said:
The Epona part is unbelievable, it must have taken ages to rehearse.

Yeah. I did marching band in high school. The whole show is impressive, but I understand how it was done and I think my high school marching band could have more or less pulled it off. Except for that Epona bit. I was dumbfounded by that.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

TAG said:
Marzy said:
The Epona part is unbelievable, it must have taken ages to rehearse.

Yeah. I did marching band in high school. The whole show is impressive, but I understand how it was done and I think my high school marching band could have more or less pulled it off. Except for that Epona bit. I was dumbfounded by that.

The Epona part was amazing. No idea how they did it, but yeah, it was great! Smilie

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