Guild 01 titles heading to the West as Downloadables

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.10.2012 3

Guild 01 titles heading to the West as Downloadables on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During the Nintendo Direct conference today Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino confirmed a European release for Guild01.

After word on content ratings for individual titles in the Guild01 collection, Hino revealed that three of the four games will be available soon on the European eShop to download.

Liberation Maiden, Aero Porter and Crimson Shroud will be heading to the service in the coming months.

Guild01 was originally a retail package that combined smaller, new concepts by Japanese game makers Goichi Suda, Yoot Saito, Yasumi Matsuno and Yoshiyuki Hirai. A follow-up, Guid02, is already in production.

The titles are also due for release in the US.

Box art for Guild01








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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Liberation Maiden and Crimson Shroud were the two titles that interested me. What was the fourth game in Guild 01?

It's great news that we're getting a LOT of new eShop content. Smilie

Shamelessly lifted from Wikipedia Smilie

Rental Bukiya de OmasseRental Bukiya de Omasse (レンタル武器屋 de オマッセ Rentaru Bukiya de Omasse?, lit. Omasse's Rental Weapon Shop) is a fantasy rhythm RPG written by Yoshiyuki Hirai, in which the main characters are a father and son pair who craft weapons for heroes. The player uses rhythmic gameplay to forge weapons which are rented by heroes for their quests; the weapon chosen will affect whether or not the hero is successful.[12] This is currently the only title not to be announced for Western release.[13]

I wonder why one has been dropped? I also wonder if we'll finally see the Atamania games and the Sloane & McHale puzzlers on eShop? Hino planned to have them out in the West, but the DS started dying...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Adam Riley said:
Shamelessly lifted from Wikipedia Smilie

Rental Bukiya de OmasseRental Bukiya de Omasse (レンタル武器屋 de オマッセ Rentaru Bukiya de Omasse?, lit. Omasse's Rental Weapon Shop) is a fantasy rhythm RPG written by Yoshiyuki Hirai, in which the main characters are a father and son pair who craft weapons for heroes. The player uses rhythmic gameplay to forge weapons which are rented by heroes for their quests; the weapon chosen will affect whether or not the hero is successful.[12] This is currently the only title not to be announced for Western release.[13]

I wonder why one has been dropped? I also wonder if we'll finally see the Atamania games and the Sloane & McHale puzzlers on eShop? Hino planned to have them out in the West, but the DS started dying...

Ah yes! Now I remember seeing this in the trailer for Guild01. Thanks for that. Smilie I have no idea why they scrapped it either, it looked pretty fun.

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