Exclusive Competition: Win 1 of 3 Copies of La-Mulana on WiiWare

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.10.2012 8

Exclusive Competition: Win 1 of 3 Copies of La-Mulana on WiiWare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Embark on an adventure with La-Mulana on WiiWare, an exploration platformer that sees players in the boots of Japanese-American archaeologist Lemeza Kosugi who ventures into the ancient ruins in search of his lost father. Can you uncover the mysteries of a supposed ancient civilisation?

Cubed3 have teamed up with publisher EnjoyUp for an exclusive chance to win one of thee copies of the European release to download.

To find out more about La-Mulana, be sure to read our 10/10 review.

To enter you must live in Europe, have a PAL Nintendo Wii console and answer the following question, leaving your username and contact email-address:

Who does the lead character of La-Mulana look most like?

A.) MC Hammer
[input type="radio" name="q1" value="B" /] B.) Michael Jackson
[input type="radio" name="q1" value="C" /] C.) Indiana Jones
[input type="radio" name="q1" value="D" /] D.) Han Solo

Your Username: [input type="text" name="name" size="30" value="" /]
Your Email: [input type="text" name="email" size="30" /]

[input type="submit" value="Enter Competition (Europe Only) »" style="background: #009933; border: 2px solid #FFFFFF; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 10pt; padding: 5px "/]

[h2 style="color: #CC0000"]Competition closes Wednesday 17 October 2012. Good luck!


Competition Rules

  • European Entrants entrants only.
  • Entrants must be registered members of Cubed3 to take part.
  • Competition not open to employees of Cubed3 or EnjoyUp.
  • The competition ends on October 17th, 6pm GMT. Winners will be notified through a news post and via e-mail.
  • Winners must provide their details within five days of being contacted by Cubed3. Failing this another entrant will be selected at random.
  • Entries are limited to one per person and per household. The submitting of duplicate or multiple entries shall result in instant disqualification, unless stated otherwise. The decision made as to the winner is final and no correspondence shall be entered into. There is no cash alternative for the prize. We do not hold responsibility for the prize being lost, delayed or damaged during postage.

    Box art for La-Mulana





    2D Platformer



    C3 Score

    Rated $score out of 10  10/10

    Reader Score

    Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1 Votes)

    European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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    Our member of the week

    Cannot suggest enough that anyone enters this competition. It's really a great game.

    Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

    It didn't really look that great to me just from looking at screenshots but that trailer definitely changed my mind. Looks pretty great. Entered the competition. Smilie It's like the first one I can actually enter living in Austria and not the UK. Smilie

    Good luck to those that enter. I had a blast playing this game for a review over at 4colorrebellion.com

    Truly one of the best Wii games with a lot of content to enjoy.

    The closing date of 17th October is almost upon us! Have you got your entry in yet? If not, don't delay! Smilie

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
    Our member of the week

    Aren't the results in yet ?

    Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

    RudyC3 said:
    Aren't the results in yet ?

    Well it's 11:59PM here in the UK, the results will be posted later today - we did actually have a few literally last minute entries.

    ( Edited 18.10.2012 00:00 by jb )

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
    Our member of the week

    Sorry. Competition rules said "The competition ends on October 17th, 6pm GMT" so I thought it was time for proclaiming the results already Smilie.

    Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
    JB (guest) 18.10.2012#8

    Me as so stooopid!

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