First Look at Monster Hunter 3 in 1080p on Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.10.2012 16

First Look at Monster Hunter 3 in 1080p on Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Japanese magazine Famitsu has confirmed that the Wii U version of Monster Hunter 3 will run in full 1080p. First screens await!

The Ultimate edition is bound for the new console on launch (in Japan), heading to North America and Europe next March. Aside from additional multiplayer functionality and linked play with the 3DS edition, the game will also receive a graphical overhaul - now running in full high definition and 5.1 surround sound.

Image for First Look at Monster Hunter 3 in 1080p on Wii U
Image for First Look at Monster Hunter 3 in 1080p on Wii U
Image for First Look at Monster Hunter 3 in 1080p on Wii U

What do you think of the first look of Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate in action?

Box art for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Also known as

Monster Hunter 3G HD Ver.









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They look really great. I see no Jaggis at all. Smilie

SirLink said:
They look really great. I see no Jaggis at all. Smilie
Stealing my material, I see. Smilie Smilie

That overhaul is called an upscale. The game looks washed out and blurry, even the Wii game has better textures in some areas.

This title is a cheaply made cash-in for Capcom.

( Edited 04.10.2012 16:17 by Linkyshinks )

Yeah that's what I thought as well. On Eurogamer everybody's saying how good the graphics are, but I don't see it. It's just a high res version of the 3DS game. =/

Canyarion said:
It's just a high res version of the 3DS game. =/

And Capcom promised us anything different? We're finally getting a new Monster Hunter game localised and instead of rejoicing some people are complaining about how it looks? Come on...

SirLink said:
Canyarion said:
It's just a high res version of the 3DS game. =/

And Capcom promised us anything different? We're finally getting a new Monster Hunter game localised and instead of rejoicing some people are complaining about how it looks? Come on...

i don't consider this to be either a "new" game, or a MH game in HD, Some of these textures look terrible for a game being touted as a HD version, the fact is they'd look better on Wii displayed at 480p. A MH game designed for HD display would look far better than this.This is nothing but another cash-in attempt from Capcom, they're trying to make good on the original after poor sales, and hoping to increase their MH audience in the West, This is the cheapest option for doing that.   

I find it telling that Capcom haven't advertised this here as a HD game, unlike Japan. They must know they'd get a barrage of hate after their shitty HD ports of RE games.

Linkyshinks said:
SirLink said:
Canyarion said:
It's just a high res version of the 3DS game. =/

And Capcom promised us anything different? We're finally getting a new Monster Hunter game localised and instead of rejoicing some people are complaining about how it looks? Come on...

i don't consider this to be either a "new" game, or a MH game in HD, Some of these textures look terrible for a game being touted as a HD version, the fact is they'd look better on Wii displayed at 480p. A MH game designed for HD display would look far better than this.This is nothing but another cash-in attempt from Capcom, they're trying to make good on the original after poor sales, and hoping to increase their MH audience in the West, This is the cheapest option for doing that.   

I find it telling that Capcom haven't advertised this here as a HD game, unlike Japan. They must know they'd get a barrage of hate after their shitty HD ports of RE games.

They haven't advertised it as a HD game here because they don't need to as the online aspect is the biggest selling point to us. This is Monster Hunter 3G, which Japan have had for about a year now. The Western Monster Hunter fans have been asking Capcom to give them this for a long time and they finally listened to their fans.

You say this isn't a new game, but around 50% of the content in Ultimate is brand new for owners of Nintendo systems. Heck, it has enough new content included for them to just completely scrap the stuff from Tri and sell the new content as a standalone game.

Not only are all 12 weapon types included in this, it also has a total of 51 large monsters. Now, that's compared to the 18 of the original Monster Hunter Tri. I would call this a new game, I don't know about you though.

Who has told you 50% of the content is new?. I've seen no mention of this anywhere.

On any other present platform, all the updates you mention could very easily come via DLC, they wouldn't be asking you to buy a new game at full price. I can guarantee you many of those monsters will be present in Monster Hunter 4, simply because they've migrated code over using the new framework. Nintendo's audience are gullible to these ploys.

( Edited 05.10.2012 08:16 by Linkyshinks )

Meh, the people who want it, they will buy it. The people who don't want it, will not buy it.

The people who want it, will enjoy it. The people that don't buy it, won't enjoy it.

Everybody wins!

Linkyshinks said:
Who has told you 50% of the content is new?. I've seen no mention of this anywhere.

On any other present platform, all the updates you mention could very easily come via DLC, they wouldn't be asking you to buy a new game at full price. I can guarantee you many of those monsters will be present in Monster Hunter 4, simply because they've migrated code over using the new framework. Nintendo's audience are gullible to these ploys.

I'm saying that around 50% of the content is new, I didn't say it was specifically 50%, it was just me using my judgement from what I have researched about the game. Am I not allowed to use my judgement?

I do understand your point about the whole DLC thing, but Capcom aren't forcing you to buy this so I don't see why you're making a big deal about it. Capcom do the same thing with Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom and many of their series. Anyone who knows Monster Hunter knows that the latest game in the main series will have a "G" version eventually, so none of this comes as a surprise.

Monster Hunter 4 brings a new generation of Monster Hunter, meaning most of the monsters seen in it will be new, with a few from previous generations thrown into the mix. It also has monsters that are not present in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. I doubt MH4 will have all of these monsters as you state, because simply it's going to be the start of the 4th generation of Monster Hunter.

Do you like Pokémon? and do you have a problem with Nintendo releasing an upgraded version of the 2 versions released previously? Think of this as a Pokémon Crystal or Pokémon Emerald, except there's a whole lot more added in this case.

"Nintendo's audience are gullible to these ploys" LOL, yeah okay then.

You can say what you want, put pulling percentages out of your arse doesn't give your view any credibility. That percentage of yours means nothing.

The fact is If Tri was on any other platform and Capcom did this, there would be an outcry among that audience, but because it's on a Nintendo platform, they know they can do this without any repercussions what so ever. Nintendo's audience simply don't care that they'll essentially be buying the same game with with DLC tacked on.  

How do you think PSN and LIVE users would react to dedicated servers being dropped and essentially being forced into buying another version of the same game?. Do you really think they would act like Nintendo fans, and say nothing?

By the time you get to Monster hunter 4, you'll have intimate knowledge of many of the Monsters via this game, just wait and see. Capcom are masters of re-using and repacking content...

( Edited 05.10.2012 15:57 by Linkyshinks )

I think it looks good:

Image for

SirLink said:

Canyarion said:
It's just a high res version of the 3DS game. =/

And Capcom promised us anything different? We're finally getting a new Monster Hunter game localised and instead of rejoicing some people are complaining about how it looks? Come on...

Are you that hungry for decent games that you throw all standards out the window?

If you're very pleased to have this game and play it on Wii U, that's fine. More power to you. But I don't understand your indignation at people who rightly point this out as a bit of a cheap cash-grab by Capcom.

There's no law that says we have to be thrilled with every game a developer puts out on a system.

Linkyshinks said:
You can say what you want, put pulling percentages out of your arse doesn't give your view any credibility. That percentage of yours means nothing.

The fact is If Tri was on any other platform and Capcom did this, there would be an outcry among that audience, but because it's on a Nintendo platform, they know they can do this without any repercussions what so ever. Nintendo's audience simply don't care that they'll essentially be buying the same game with with DLC tacked on.  

How do you think PSN and LIVE users would react to dedicated servers being dropped and essentially being forced into buying another version of the same game?. Do you really think they would act like Nintendo fans, and say nothing?

By the time you get to Monster hunter 4, you'll have intimate knowledge of many of the Monsters via this game, just wait and see. Capcom are masters of re-using and repacking content...

NEWSFLASH: Capcom has done this on the PS2,  PSP and PS3 (The latter two only in Japan right now.) That's only if we're talking about Monster Hunter. As I mentioned in a previous post, they've done the same thing with Street Fighter and Marvel vs. Capcom 3, other franchises too.

I'm sorry if you think my view has no credibility, but if you're saying that, then neither does yours. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I am by no means brainwashed by Capcom or any other company for that matter, so there is no need to say that I am "gullible to these ploys".

Anyways, I'm done with this. Let's all get along, C3 is meant to be a friendly community.

Didn't they have a lot of better monster models lying around from the 360 game? Heck, even the Wii models should be better than the 3DS ones.

One of the things I liked best about MH3 was the gorgeous graphics. It's a great and beautiful world. I was really really really looking forward to MH on Wii U, this time with even better graphics. I thought MH3U was going to be that game.

But I was wrong. I'll have to wait for the next MH to enjoy a proper Wii U game. Such a shame for both Capcom and me.

Linkyshinks said:
That overhaul is called an upscale. The game looks washed out and blurry, even the Wii game has better textures in some areas.

This title is a cheaply made cash-in for Capcom.

I get where you're coming from. It's clearly just an upscaled version of the 3ds game, but this is better than nothing at all. Capcom is really hesitant in bringing any Mh games to the west. I guess you can see it as a "cash-in" but it's not like everyone outside of Japan is going crazy for this series. So MH fans in the west gotta take what they can get.

Linkyshinks said:
Who has told you 50% of the content is new?. I've seen no mention of this anywhere.

On any other present platform, all the updates you mention could very easily come via DLC, they wouldn't be asking you to buy a new game at full price. I can guarantee you many of those monsters will be present in Monster Hunter 4, simply because they've migrated code over using the new framework. Nintendo's audience are gullible to these ploys.

I highly doubt that, MH4 doesn't have underwater hunting and just like MHP3rd missing out on underwater monsters(There are only 4 in Tri, but only one made it to that game and it was nerfed completely) I'm guessing we'll see the same thing happen in MH4.

Linkyshinks said:
Who has told you 50% of the content is new?. I've seen no mention of this anywhere.

On any other present platform, all the updates you mention could very easily come via DLC, they wouldn't be asking you to buy a new game at full price. I can guarantee you many of those monsters will be present in Monster Hunter 4, simply because they've migrated code over using the new framework. Nintendo's audience are gullible to these ploys.

It's quite obvious to see that the game will have 50% more content if not even more when compared to the original Tri on wii. If you're someone who has only played Tri MH3G will be giving you the 4 weapons that weren't included in tri, several new monsters with subspecies and subspecies to tri monsters, and finally theres G rank which includes new armor, monster attacks and difficulties,

Jacob4000 said:
SirLink said:

Canyarion said:
It's just a high res version of the 3DS game. =/

And Capcom promised us anything different? We're finally getting a new Monster Hunter game localised and instead of rejoicing some people are complaining about how it looks? Come on...

Are you that hungry for decent games that you throw all standards out the window?

If you're very pleased to have this game and play it on Wii U, that's fine. More power to you. But I don't understand your indignation at people who rightly point this out as a bit of a cheap cash-grab by Capcom.

There's no law that says we have to be thrilled with every game a developer puts out on a system.

The thing is most of the people complaining are people who generally don't understand the series to begin with.

Canyarion said:
Didn't they have a lot of better monster models lying around from the 360 game? Heck, even the Wii models should be better than the 3DS ones. 

It's rare to see anything from MH frontier make it's way to another MH game, From the looks of it Capcom doesn't want frontier to ever leave asia.

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