New Co-operative Trailer for New Super Mario Bros. U

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.10.2012 2

New Co-operative Trailer for New Super Mario Bros. U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Whilst Nintendo have focused on the single and two player modes for New Super Mario Bros U, it's time for four to get in on the action once again.

The latest trailer reveals the usual cast of four - Mario, Luigi and two toads, venturing out into the furthest regions of the Mushroom Kingdom to once again save damsel in distress, Peach, from danger. Pop on Yoshi for assistance, take different routes to maximise coin collection and nominate one unlucky player to do all the hard work.

Tricky co-operative play returns once again - will you be able to thwart Bowser's scheming?

The new game is launching alongside the Wii U - November 30th in Europe.

Box art for New Super Mario Bros. U





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (12 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Is there gonna be a mode where you can murder the two Toads and turn them into other characters people actually want to play as.

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SuperLink said:
Is there gonna be a mode where you can murder the two Toads and turn them into other characters people actually want to play as.
Yes, it's called 'Splode the Toad. You strap some TNT to a Toad and then you kick a Koopa shell into it, this explodes the TNT and causes the Toad to launch into the sky, travelling forwards. It becomes one of those "How far can you get the -" kinda games. My record was over 9000km.

( Edited 04.10.2012 15:12 by Mush123 )

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