Reggie: More Titles Due for Wii U Launch Window

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.09.2012 18

Reggie: More Titles Due for Wii U Launch Window on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Gagging for even more Wii U games to pick up during the consoles first few months? Reggie Fils-Aime confirmed more are on the way.

The man behind Nintendo of America was quizzed by IGN on a manner of issues that the company face with launching the new hardware, including how to appeal to consumers that this is, indeed a different and new experience.

One of the key factors into buying new gaming hardware is of course, the software that can be played on it - and just when new adoptees can grab hold of these. Nintendo have kept schtum on what lies beyond the initial 5-month "launch window", with Fils-Aime noting that unannounced Wii U games will be released within that time.

This is a real double-edged sword, because there are other people who are complaining that [the launch window is too long]. What we're trying to do is give the most complete picture of the games that are going to be available now, as well as over the next number of months. That's why we've focused on this launch window, through March 31.

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*cough* Retro Studios *cough*


The problem with announcing a ton of games at once is that many less known ones easily get overshadowed by popular franchises and once they're out of new announcements to make, people will inevitably complain about that too like it was for the 3DS at this year's E3.

No matter how Nintendo is handling this, people will always complain. I'd imagine that they're trying to save some huge announcements to steal thunder from Microsoft's and Sony's next consoles, whenever those are revealed or coming closer to their release.

I think that at E3 showing an early trailer of the next marion or metroid would have dampened some complaints. People were also partly excited about the wii because of the games they showed (but didnt release for a while)

Yeah I think just one more Nintendo series announcement would have made people a lot happier, Mario, Pikmin and say Metroid? Kirby? StarFox? Anything, a triple whammy would have been great.

Even if you tell people there's more on the way soon they won't believe it til they see it.

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Its always better to hold off till near release.

That said, as it stands, nothing makes me want the system at launch. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+ Nintendo would release games after the console has gone on sale. Get real.

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Well I'm sure they don't want to repeat the Wii, where it had a shit ton of cool games come out in the first two years and after that basically nothing at all happened until Skyward Sword came out, haha.

But I like how I keep hearing people complain that the system won't have any good games, but every time a game on all platforms is announced, the same people complain that that game is available for Xbox so there's no point releasing it for Wii U. Basically, some people are just striving to be unhappy.

As for Nintendo, they have four in-house game studios. I see no reason why it takes them as long as it does to release first-party content. I won't say "nobody cares" about "games" like Nintendo Land and Wii Fit, because obviously someone does, but they're taking way too much time to focus on the casual market. There's no reason to put six years between Zelda games, with so little changing between titles.

At least it seems like the next Super Smash is coming along smoothly and quickly. If you'd have asked me last December when the next Smash came out I'd probably say 2015. At the rate they're going, I think they might make it by next holiday season.

Anyway, sorry for rambling. I do wish the Wii U had a bit stronger of a line up and I'm obviously frustrated with the stasis ("decline" isn't really the right word) of quality in first-party Nintendo titles. If they aren't giving us launch titles, I hope they'll at least breathe new life into my favorite franchises, and I very very much miss the days where they actually created new franchises.

NNID: crackedthesky
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The thing is, people close to Ninty like us know that things are in the pipeline. We all know that Retro are working on something, whatever it may be. Be great to see if Factor 5 could get involved in Starfox some way. Either way, we all know these franchises are coming. Not all die hard Nintendo fans monitor sites daily to see what is coming, therefore they are the ones that aren't getting excited about it!

There's no reason to put six years between Zelda games, with so little changing between titles.

Well, its because they are very hard games to make. You dont just stick the player in a leveling loop like most games, each puzzle and item needs custom coding.

Also, remember they split their efforts between consoles and portables.
The DS Zeldas wernt very good imho - but they still take significant effort to develop.

and I very very much miss the days where they actually created new franchises.

Excitatruck,Another Code, Endless Ocean, Disaster....they create new IP all the time, just they are normally ignored. (except WiiSports, which is dismissed ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Darkflame said:

Well, its because they are very hard games to make. You dont just stick the player in a leveling loop like most games, each puzzle and item needs custom coding.

Also, remember they split their efforts between consoles and portables.
The DS Zeldas wernt very good imho - but they still take significant effort to develop.

Excitatruck,Another Code, Endless Ocean, Disaster....they create new IP all the time, just they are normally ignored. (except WiiSports, which is dismissed )

Nintendo is one of the largest game developers in the world. Other, smaller companies make games in as little as a half to a third of the time it takes Nintendo, and their games usually involve more change, not just re-hashing of the same thing over and over again. Nintendo tends to change the visual style and one or two mechanics (wolf in TP, flying in SS etc.) and not much else. They're heading in the right direction for sure, but it's taking forever to get there, and part of that is because they spend so much time on things like Wii Fit and Nintendo Land and fifteen New Super Mario Bros. games that are all basically the same thing.

None of the games you listed are Nintendo IPs, all of them were developed by other companies and published by Nintendo. Not at all what I was talking about.

Not trying to be a Debbie Downer over here, I just think Nintendo could be managing their time and effort a lot better.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Other, smaller companies make games in as little as a half to a third of the time it takes Nintendo, and their games usually involve more change, not just re-hashing of the same thing over and over again. Nintendo tends to change the visual style and one or two mechanics (wolf in TP, flying in SS etc.) and not much else.

And all the nintendo fans gobble it up year after year...can't really blame nintendo then. I've got better things to with my time too then sit in my office working overtime so I can sell 7% more. Why bother. Didn't one of those highly respected game magazines give perfect scores for the latest Zelda? I mean, it seemed like Twilight Princess with handicapped flying to me too - but it was this incredible game according to the ehm 'game journalists' as they like to call themselves.

So Nintendo's efforts really do make a lot of sense. They don't have to prove themselves by pumping out revolutionary and super polished games year after year - they just need one game that changes things up every generation of consoles and some yearly updates of mario, pokemon, zelda etc. I'd do the same, really. They've got facebook and youtube too you know. Smilie

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

Skyward Sword would've been one of my top three Zeldas I think if I didn't have to fight the motionplus the whole time. Like I said, they do the same things over and over and change very little, but enough for to keep me interested thus far. I'm just not sure how much longer they can keep me and other fans if they continue this model. It wasn't always like this (look at Zelda II vs. the first Zelda, Majora's Mask vs. Ocarina of Time etc.). Somewhere along the way Nintendo became afraid of change, and I just wish they'd change things up a little.

NNID: crackedthesky
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I don't think you should expect to keep enjoying a hobby for more than 15 years. There's a lot of people saying Nintendo needs to change...from highly experienced Nintendo fans. I think if you can make lists of your top three favourite Zelda games, you've probably seen enough - and it is time for a change. As long as Nintendo keeps swimming in money, I don't think it's them who need to change; as unfortunate that may be for the fans.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

I disagree. I don't see Nintendo's higher-ups as moneymongers. Look at Satoru Iwata, he paid for a 3DS price cut by cutting his own salary in half.

I think as far as Zelda goes, it goes back to a quote from Miyamoto (maybe I'll try to find the exact words later) that basically they start with the control scheme and work the game around that. That's what they're doing backwards. They don't care about story anymore, so we get the same story wrapped around slightly different gameplay mechanics and it takes half a decade for them to finish it. I think most of their fans care less about how "immersive" the control scheme is and more about a great story. On a mechanical level, Majora's Mask played pretty much exactly like Ocarina of Time, it was more than anything the story that makes it a fan favorite. And it took them less than two years to make it.

I do admit that when it comes to the Wii, Nintendo was one of very few companies to use the controller to actually enhance gameplay rather than pour out shovelware. Skyward Sword seems to be hit or miss, with half the fans regarding it as the high point of the controller's existence and the other half trying their hardest not to hate the game because of how sloppy it was.

The Wii U seems like it offers a lot less in the way of control scheme changes; it's almost like if the DS were a console. Most companies will use the Wii U controller for inventory and map management, which is what it'll be best at, and Nintendo will probably use the gyroscope and camera tech in some of their games, but on the whole I think the system offers a chance for Nintendo to return to form with the Zelda series; that is, to make a new game because they have new ideas, not because they have new technology they want to put a green hat on.

Buuuuuuuuut I digress. Sorry for derailing the comments section, guys.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Look at Satoru Iwata, he paid for a 3DS price cut by cutting his own salary in half.

You sure? Have you looked up sales figures of consoles, the rate at which they sell and then figure out how much Iwata needs to make to have any meaningful impact on price reduction?

I hope for you you get to play a 'different' Zelda game again. But maybe it's wiser to look to other experiences. There are a lot of games out there with great stories or storytelling, with polished gameplay to boot. But if you want to play it as a mute, slightly effiminate boy with a green hat - there's unfortunately not many options left but play Zelda. And it's still an amazing series by any standards.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

God said:

You sure? Have you looked up sales figures of consoles, the rate at which they sell and then figure out how much Iwata needs to make to have any meaningful impact on price reduction?

I hope for you you get to play a 'different' Zelda game again. But maybe it's wiser to look to other experiences. There are a lot of games out there with great stories or storytelling, with polished gameplay to boot. But if you want to play it as a mute, slightly effiminate boy with a green hat - there's unfortunately not many options left but play Zelda. And it's still an amazing series by any standards.

Iwata and several other higher-ups including Shigeru Miyamoto docked their own pay to allow for the 3DS price drop. As far as I can find, nobody was fired, nobody in the lower end of the company got pay cuts, just the executive directors.

NNID: crackedthesky
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To add to that, the 3DS has only very recently started to make profit.

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Only launch title I'm interested in so far is NSMB, probably gonna wait for more titles and a price drop before getting a Wii U. I learned my lesson from the 3DS. Smilie

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