Nintendo 3DS to Transform into an eBook Reader in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.09.2012 5

Nintendo 3DS to Transform into an eBook Reader in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Players will soon be able to turn their 3DS into a nifty book and magazine reader, according to Japanese newspaper Nikkei.

The report notes that a new service, currently for Japan only, called "Bookstore Anywhere" will allow players to read a backlog of popular manga, magazines, novels and other digital media. Launching on October 20th, the service will initially include over 100 different manga series, some of which are currently being published in the latest physical magazines.

Of course there'll be a handful of free tidbits to pick up, with the app itself free to download on the Nintendo 3DS eShop.

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I have an eBook option on a card for my DS... and I've never read more than 5 words on it.

It's a terribly uncomfortable screen to read from. I assume 3DS will be the same.
Now real e-paper, that is something that is supposed to work...

I guess any sort of expanded functionality is cool, but I think this is pretty useless. I love reading from my Kindle, but I can't imagine doing a lot of heavy reading from a 3 in low resolution LCD.

I actually read a lot of comics on my DS, but no books. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Can you use e-mail, internet, instant messaging, and general file editing on it yet? Or is the 3DS a game machine only like the DS and is this "Japan only" feature of old media another one of Nintendo's experiments/public relations things, never developing into actual and substantial improvement and adaption to what the public wants? Or so I think.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

God said:
Can you use e-mail, internet, instant messaging, and general file editing on it yet?

There has a web browser built in since launch.

God said:
adaption to what the public wants?

I really don't think the general public is looking to do file editing on their 3DS

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