Sonic Transforms on Wii U Launch Day

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.09.2012 11

Sonic Transforms on Wii U Launch Day on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

SEGA has confirmed that the Wii U will have its first racing game on launch with Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

We may not be getting Mario Kart U in the near future, but there will be a super-speedy racing fix through the second game in the Sonic & All-Stars Racing series from day oneTransformed takes the successful on-land experience and blasts the SEGA cast into a multitude of new environments - including plane and boat sections for those wanting to explore tricky shortcuts. The Wii U edition is said to be as good as the Xbox 360/PS3 version, and will boast a rear view mirror feature on the GamePad.

Box art for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed








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A good title to have at launch! I expect this to sell really well. Smilie

I always have hope for a sonic game to be decent and such, but truth is, I gave up on it a long time ago. It seems like it would be fun for the younger generation or for those that would like to see the capabilities of the Wii U, but still waiting for the more intense games. ; )

I saw the picture and thought they were making a new crazy taxi game where the car turns into a hover boat for water sections. I was excited. They should totally make a new jet set radio where you can design your graffiti with the tablet.

I realised that sonic is the only franchise I grew out of. The type of game it is and is meant to be doesnt appeal anymore. Just running through levels doesnt excite me.

On a side note I read that the wii U wont play virtual console games on the tablet. Nintendo has stated several times that the wii u controller lets the family enjoy the front room together. What a load of rubbish. What an obvious use of the controller gone begging.

Can some one tell me if it would cost money for the wii u to upscale wii games (thats not happening either) Nintendo always make puzzling choices.

I love how everyone judges Sonic Racing right off the bat simply for what it is

Nevermind the fact that the developer has produced several relatively acclaimed games and testplays of this game have been overwhelmingly positive, moreso than mainseries Sonic games have for a long time.

The game should be great, hopefully the early release on WiiU in the US will make sure the WiiU version gets good sales it deserves, being a launch title of good quality will definitely get it attention it deserves.

PS. you can play as a Crazy Taxi character in it.
(PPS. I'm also annoyed about the Virtual Console thing, I really hope they patch that up pronto)

( Edited 20.09.2012 00:15 by SuperLink )

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Does anyone know what the "Limited Edition" is actually referring too, or is it simply to denote that it's different from the other versions?

Angus said:
Does anyone know what the "Limited Edition" is actually referring too, or is it simply to denote that it's different from the other versions?

There is a Limited Edition available for Pre-order which includes an extra character and an extra stage, this is for all versions of the game including the 3DS version. They just recently confirmed it would be available for WiiU too so I'm assuming it's that?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Thanks! Ahh, I really hate when pre-order bonuses affect in game content.

will boast a rear view mirror feature on the GamePad.

This is the part that grabbed me the most. Seeing directly behind you would certainly add a new layer of strategy. I'd expect Mario Kart Wii U to have this too.

Phoenom said:
will boast a rear view mirror feature on the GamePad.

This is the part that grabbed me the most. Seeing directly behind you would certainly add a new layer of strategy. I'd expect Mario Kart Wii U to have this too.

According to playtests it's actually very distracting and I hope you have the option to turn it off. Either that or I hope you can get used to it..

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Reviews are in, the game is apparently pretty good.

Canyarion said:
Reviews are in, the game is apparently pretty good.

Played PS3 demo before -- it does seem pretty good from the couple of levels on it. Think SEGA will make a nice sum from it.

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