Mario, Zelda, Samus, Star Fox Brawl it Out in New Tekken Wii U Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2012 14

Mario, Zelda, Samus, Star Fox Brawl it Out in New Tekken Wii U Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The last time players got to combat various Nintendo franchises was in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and now Tekken takes on Nintendo by offering iconic characters as costumes in Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition.

Imagine old man Heihachi dressed as Mario, Forest Law as the nippy Luigi or that boxing dinosaur bloke mimicking Bowser, these and more popular Nintendo characters are now re-imagined as the cast of Namco Bandai's popular fighter.

Outfits inspired by The Legend of Zelda, Metroid and Star Fox will also be available.

Granted the Nintendo feel is only cosmetic and the move-sets are still very much Tekken but there's always that air of excitement seeing our plumber protagonist or Hylian hero in action.

Aside from costumes will be power-ups - Mushrooms to grow big or small, invincibility stars plus those of the poison variety that act as bombs.

Box art for Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai





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Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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This is one of the most crammed games in terms of content I've seen in quite a while, especially so for a fighter. If the Wii U version has everything the PS360 vers has, it would be hard not to want to get this for Wii U. Really hope Wii U owners don't get jipped and lose some of the great content (especially all that online stuff) in place of some Nintendo gimmicks, though.

Is the face painting with the GamePad still in this? Seen nothing of it since the first tiny trailer last year.

Monkey D Super (guest) 13.09.2012#2

Steve Fox dressed up as Fox, fitting.Smilie

Is it me or does it lack a bit of polish (regardless of platform) - just looks really muddy, generic and a little boring. The Nintendo costumes are the only real saving grace for me imo - would have much rather preferred Soul Calibur from this lot.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

What the hell, I can't believe what I just saw. Smilie These costumes look so hilariously bad, they're good.

jb said:
Is it me or does it lack a bit of polish (regardless of platform) - just looks really muddy, generic and a little boring. The Nintendo costumes are the only real saving grace for me imo - would have much rather preferred Soul Calibur from this lot.

I think it's just the video quality more than anything! The visuals look amazing in general, and the cast is filled with tons of characters (about 60), while some are a bit bland there are so many that there's probably something for everyone. (especially as the soul series lately has been... embarrassingly bad unfortunately)

Can't wait for this!

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jb said:
Is it me or does it lack a bit of polish (regardless of platform) - just looks really muddy, generic and a little boring. The Nintendo costumes are the only real saving grace for me imo - would have much rather preferred Soul Calibur from this lot.

The textures are Sub HD in all version, making it look quite muddy/blurry.

Still, I like the Mushrooms and Cosplay.

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jb said:
Is it me or does it lack a bit of polish (regardless of platform) - just looks really muddy, generic and a little boring. The Nintendo costumes are the only real saving grace for me imo - would have much rather preferred Soul Calibur from this lot.

I concur, Soul Calibur could be great on Wii U, if it was a reboot (last few have been kind of the same) with Nintendo characters I'd be sold.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 
D (guest) 14.09.2012#8

I think this needs more nintendo character costumes especially Donkey Kong. I mean if theres no DK costume in Tekken, this game will be ruined. Come on please include DK costume in this Smilie

I don't know how good the later Soul Calibur games are but Soul Calibur II still looks and plays great today. All I'd need is that to appear on the VC with integrated online play. Smilie

This actually has me interested in the game. Looks very silly and fun, that's what I like about it. Smilie Costumes look great. xD

lolol when are Nintendo going to update their characters's like still dressing current movie stars in 80's outfits even though the rest of the environment advances. While they're at it - put on some new facial hair; and why does Link still wear that gnome cap? Does it grant him some special powers? Must be a hassle animating that for modern iterations, while it adds nothing. Just give him some robin hood cap!

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!
Pitfall (guest) 14.09.2012#12

We all know there is one Nintendo character costume that needs to be in this game...Captain Falcon!8)

Yeah I agree, Steve's charge up punch as well as Paul's demand a little FALCAUN PAAAAAAOUNCH in it....& Lei Chaolan's spin kick can use Falcon KIICK!!

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jb said:
Is it me or does it lack a bit of polish (regardless of platform) - just looks really muddy, generic and a little boring.

You just described the Tekken franchise as a whole.

jb said:
would have much rather preferred Soul Calibur from this lot.

Can't agree more with this Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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