Boost Rush this New Trailer for Wii U Mario Bros

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2012 5

Boost Rush this New Trailer for Wii U Mario Bros on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo revealed a new gameplay trailer for Mario's first Wii U adventure during various video presentations today.

Launching alongside the Wii U this November/December is Nintendo's first dip into the pool of high definition platforming in New Super Mario Bros U.

Shown today during Nintendo Direct was a brand spanking new trailer, demonstrating the porky plumber, his brother, two Toads and Miis once again venturing into the wide world to save the poor Princess Peach from the clutches of Bowser and his scheming children.

Feel you're just to pro at the ol' Mario? The game also includes a tough "Boost Rush" feature to challenge your precision, platforming and speed skills, and players will be able to view replays of others to find the most competitive route for a time-winning victory.


For more Mario, be sure to read our hands-on preview.

Box art for New Super Mario Bros. U





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (12 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Incredible. They've worked their asses off and it shows - what a display of amazing: well done. Smilie

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

Kind of works well with the controller. And it does look rather impressive.
I'm not sure how much else it differs from past games of the 'new' series, but as I haven't experienced any of those I'd probably quite enjoy this. Not sure what my stance is on the Wii U at the moment, could be tempted if the price be right. Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

It sounds like they want to make this one really big and full of content. Stilll hoping for more characters, but playable Miis sounds fun and I hope it'll have online play of some kind!

...Do we know if it has online play?

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SuperLink said:
It sounds like they want to make this one really big and full of content. Stilll hoping for more characters, but playable Miis sounds fun and I hope it'll have online play of some kind!

...Do we know if it has online play?

I don't think that we've got a confirmation about this yet but I'm guessing no just like NSMB2. Speaking of which, does Rayman Legends have online play? I don't think we know that either...

SirLink said:
I don't think that we've got a confirmation about this yet but I'm guessing no just like NSMB2. Speaking of which, does Rayman Legends have online play? I don't think we know that either...

I doubt either of these games will have online co-op. Rayman Origins didn't have online play on any console. (At least I don't think it did)

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