Capcom Confirms Monster Hunter Wii U for March 2013 in Europe/US

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2012 9

Capcom Confirms Monster Hunter Wii U for March 2013 in Europe/US on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have confirmed a release of Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate for both Wii U and 3DS today.

Known in Japan as Monster Hunter Tri G, the title will receive much desired localisation. Announced today during the European Nintendo Direct video presentation, the studio revealed that the title is due to slay its way to a retailer near you in March 2013 on both platforms.

The Wii U version will boast online play, though details on specific mechanics are currently unknown.

Box art for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Also known as

Monster Hunter 3G HD Ver.









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Day 1 on Wii U, nuff said.

finally the info i've been waiting forever to hear


I'm just a bit sad that it's 3 and not 4. How different is Tri G from the Wii version??

Canyarion said:

I'm just a bit sad that it's 3 and not 4. How different is Tri G from the Wii version??

MH4 isn't even out yet in Japan, so this makes sense. If we get MH4 as well, it wouldn't be until late 2013 or 2014 anyway.

Compared to Tri, Tri G has
- weapons that were not in Tri which are bow, hunting horn, dual swords and gunlance
- a new hub area
- one area from MH Portable 3rd
- two completely new monsters one being the flagship monster of the game
- plenty of monsters from older games and Portable 3rd, such as the Aoashira, Bulldrome, Plesioth, Nargacuga and more
- a ton of new subspecies like an orange Wind Barioth that lives in the desert area
- in addition to low rank and high rank quests, there are G rank quests which have even harder monsters, sometimes with new attacks too
- obviously a ton of new weapons and armour sets to go along with all this, including special G-rank armour sets

Might be more I missed but basically, for people who've played all the previous games including an import of Portable 3rd on either PSP or PS3 there isn't much new but for someone who has only played Tri there's a ton of new stuff in Tri G.

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SirLink said:
MH4 isn't even out yet in Japan, so this makes sense. If we get MH4 as well, it wouldn't be until late 2013 or 2014 anyway.

Compared to Tri, Tri G has
- weapons that were not in Tri which are bow, hunting horn, dual swords and gunlance
- a new hub area
- one area from MH Portable 3rd
- two completely new monsters one being the flagship monster of the game
- plenty of monsters from older games and Portable 3rd, such as the Aoashira, Bulldrome, Plesioth, Nargacuga and more
- a ton of new subspecies like an orange Wind Barioth that lives in the desert area
- in addition to low rank and high rank quests, there are G rank quests which have even harder monsters, sometimes with new attacks too
- obviously a ton of new weapons and armour sets to go along with all this, including special G-rank armour sets

Might be more I missed but basically, for people who've played all the previous games including an import of Portable 3rd on either PSP or PS3 there isn't much new but for someone who has only played Tri there's a ton of new stuff in Tri G.

Thanks for that, cuz' I was wondering the same thing. Since the guy presenting it was speaking in Japanese (and not at all about the European version itself) I suppose this means it's a totally new and separate version from Tri G already available on 3DS in Japan, so this would mean still more new stuff over Tri G should be added in, as an incentive for people to buy that definitive version of Tri, even in Japan.

If little had been added over the Wii version, I'm not sure I would have bought it, but now this seems far more interesting. Miiverse integration anyone Smilie?

( Edited 14.09.2012 00:10 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:

Thanks for that, cuz' I was wondering the same thing. Since the guy presenting it was speaking in Japanese (and not at all about the European version itself) I suppose this means it's a totally new and separate version from Tri G already available on 3DS in Japan, so this would mean still more new stuff over Tri G should be added in, as an incentive for people to buy that definitive version of Tri, even in Japan.

If little had been added over the Wii version, I'm not sure I would have bought it, but now this seems far more interesting. Miiverse integration anyone Smilie?

I'm not sure how much this particular version will add, if anything at all, because as far as I know MH Portable 3rd HD Version only had the obvious graphical improvements. It would make sense for them to add at least something to entice Japanese players to get it on the Wii U, although I think it's more likely that it won't be extra content but rather additional features like online or possible Miiverse integration. Then again, it still sells like hotcakes in Japan even without online, so I don't think that online alone would make that much of an impact.

Something that wasn't mentioned in this article, is that whilst the Wii U version has online play. The 3DS version will have local play (Online not confirmed YET), with StreetPass and you will also be able to connect the 3DS game to say.. your friend's Wii U game and play local co-op that way.

Not sure if I'll be getting both versions eventually, but I will definitely be getting the Wii U version! Roll on March 2013. Smilie

SirLink said:
MH4 isn't even out yet in Japan, so this makes sense. If we get MH4 as well, it wouldn't be until late 2013 or 2014 anyway.

Compared to Tri, Tri G has
- weapons that were not in Tri which are bow, hunting horn, dual swords and gunlance
- a new hub area
- one area from MH Portable 3rd
- two completely new monsters one being the flagship monster of the game
- plenty of monsters from older games and Portable 3rd, such as the Aoashira, Bulldrome, Plesioth, Nargacuga and more
- a ton of new subspecies like an orange Wind Barioth that lives in the desert area
- in addition to low rank and high rank quests, there are G rank quests which have even harder monsters, sometimes with new attacks too
- obviously a ton of new weapons and armour sets to go along with all this, including special G-rank armour sets

Might be more I missed but basically, for people who've played all the previous games including an import of Portable 3rd on either PSP or PS3 there isn't much new but for someone who has only played Tri there's a ton of new stuff in Tri G.

you definitely get a Smilie for that post I would've said the same but haven't been on C3 as much as I would like to. As far as I know this version of tri G is nothing more than than the 3ds version with english text and minimal up scaled graphics. So far nothing "new" to the series has been announced. While like others I would have preferred MH4 or Frontier, but all I can think is "atleast they gave us a Monster Hunter". Seeing as everyone outside of Japan comes last when it comes to this series.

So yeah, if you've only played MHTri this game is a must if you fell in love with the series other than that past MH fans will love to see another series come to the shores and Sony fans will show the same anger as others do for Bayonetta 2.

I'm curious to see if they are putting any more effort into improving the graphics, since this isn't just a quick port for extra sales in Japan like Portable 3rd HD, it'll be the flagship western MH for a while and for this it better look as good as it can (without remaking the graphics from scratch, of course). That one screenshot we have already indicates a better work than P3rd HD that had some really low-res stuff even in the UI.

I'm hoping we get an actual trailer to get a better idea soon. Perhaps at TGS? MH3U is a Wii U launch title in Japan, so they should be showing off more pretty soon.

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