Pikmin 3 Misses Wii U Launch Day - Due 2013

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2012 5

Pikmin 3 Misses Wii U Launch Day - Due 2013 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Those wanting a dollop of high-definition Olimar will have to wait until next Spring as Nintendo confirmed Pikmin 3 today as a 2013 title.

During the Nintendo Direct conference today, the company revealed that the title will not be a launch title for the new system. With its reveal at E3 many fans had anticipated the third game in the series to make an appearance to tantalise launch queues; however the company slipped in word today that Pikmin 3 will be available in Spring 2013 with Wii Fit U.

We thoroughly enjoyed our time with Pikmin 3, it's certainly a title to keep on the Wii U radar.

Box art for Pikmin 3








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I'm actually not disappointed since there already a bunch of other games I'm planning on getting at launch.

Definitely picking it up when it does come out, though.

This was like the only good game they even showed though, haha. Besides ports, anyway.

I hope at least ZombiU is a launch title.

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Monkey D Super (guest) 13.09.2012#3

As long as it comes out I will be patient. This game, along with Rayman Legends and probably Trine 2, is my reason for getting Wii U.

Aw man Smilie This is the one killer game I was intently waiting for. At least NSMB WiiU looks like it's gonna change it up a little.

Gaben (guest) 16.09.2012#5

PISSING TACOS! Well its better then valve, at least they can count to 3

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