More Classic Zelda Heading to Nintendo 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.09.2012 9

More Classic Zelda Heading to Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

If you're seeking more adventuring with Hyrule's finest hero, classic Zelda outing The Adventure of Link might be up your alley.

Released many moons ago on the NES, the game is perhaps considered as the "Skull Kid" of the franchise - taking a different, side-scrolling approach in the cave, town and dungeon areas.

Despite this, the second Zelda game in the series has a loyal set of fans and Nintendo is giving newer players the chance to sample this unique delight - the game is heading to the Nintendo 3DS eShop next week.

Due out on 13th SeptemberThe Adventure of Link will set you back £4.50/€5, roughly 100 Hylian rupees.

Will you be downloading The Legend of Zelda: The Adventure of Link on your 3DS?

Box art for Zelda II: The Adventure of Link





Action Adventure



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (5 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Zelda II is AMAZING! You could gain experience from defeating enemies, upgraded Link by finding new magic and items, explored in an overhead map and got to play in 2D when you enter a dungeon or fight an enemy on the field... it's still great!

I'll be playing this soon on the AGB, thanks though.

I am Error.



( Edited 06.09.2012 06:28 by God )

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

Canyarion said:
I'll be playing this soon on the AGB, thanks though.
I'm curious. Why do you call it the AGB? I've always known it as the GBA.

Mush123 said:
Canyarion said:
I'll be playing this soon on the AGB, thanks though.
I'm curious. Why do you call it the AGB? I've always known it as the GBA.

I knew a guy who pronounced creature as cree-ay-ture. Some people just learn things differently or have a different view on how something should be pronounced or named. It doesn't mean they're wrong, just different. Not saying you think that though. But I guess 'Advanced Game Boy' is right too, why not? I always wanted to call the NES 'Systematically Entertaining Nintendo', or SEN for short, but was always afraid my sister would make fun of me. Oh well.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

It's the official code for the GameBoy Advance. Check the back of your AGB, it will say "AGB-001" or so (the number depending on the model).

And the code for the GameCube is GCN. Smilie

Darkflame (guest) 07.09.2012#8

I got this game as part of the ambassador program - it really is not worth playing.
Its 90% grinding, its about level with the first final fantasy game in terms of "fighting vs other stuff". Its not a zelda game in any sense really, its a traditional RPG with side-scrolling fighting sections as the battle system.
I dont get at all how people can like it - except for the excellent music - its just a sub-par RPG.

Canyarion said:
It's the official code for the GameBoy Advance. Check the back of your AGB, it will say "AGB-001" or so (the number depending on the model).

And the code for the GameCube is GCN. Smilie

Thought you were dyslexic...

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