Excited after this week's announcement of a new Professor Layton game? Nintendo have confirmed a date for Europe's latest fix.
You may have to wait until 2013 for the last Professor Layton game in the trilogy, but Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask has been confirmed for October 26th in Europe, two days before previously announced October 28th for North America.
Layton, Luke and Emmy head up against the Masked Gentleman, a devious chap who has decided to plague the city of Monte d'Or with evil. Queue a flashback scene to a 17 year-old Professor Layton to unravel a mysterious secret.
Miracle Mask features over 150 new puzzlers to get stuck into, various mini-games in the "Professor's Trunk", plus a year's worth of DLC: 365 addition puzzles shared on the Nintendo Network after launch.
Fans will also be able to download the game on the eShop at launch.