Gamescom Trailer for Tank! Tank! Tank!

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.08.2012 2

Gamescom Trailer for Tank! Tank! Tank! on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Namco Bandai explodes onto the Wii U scene this week with a new Gamescom trailer for Tank! Tank! Tank!

The peculiar project for Nintendo's new box was revealed alongside the system at this year's E3, and has been kept fairly quiet until a reactive new look at the game.

At it's core Tank! Tank! Tank! is essentially a four-player game with free-for-all and various team modes. Fancy pimping out your tanks with less conventional arsenal? The game also features face portraits so you can blast a sibling without breaking a sweat.

Namco describes the game as "Tons of guns, tons of fun", and an exclusive one for Wii U at that.


Will you be piloting a tank against family and friends this fall on Wii U?

Box art for Tank! Tank! Tank!

Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai





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thenakedgun (guest) 17.08.2012#1

Obviouslly not for older gamers then! shame!!

€5 on the eShop?

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