Capcom Tease Wii U Reveal Once Again

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.08.2012 2

Capcom Tease Wii U Reveal Once Again on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fans of Capcom's various franchises expecting a Wii U announcement at Gamescom this week will have to wait a little longer.

Last week Capcom's Christian Svensson noted that there is "good stuff coming", but the publisher will have to "keep it a surprise" for the meantime. One of Europe's biggest conventions, Gamescom, was a potential target for a Wii U project reveal - but company is deciding to focus on major multiplatform games instead - Street Fighter x Tekken, Resident Evil 6 etc.

There is a rumour that we are working on a Wii U game. It won't be at this show. But we do have something waiting in the wings, and we will be talking about that very soon.

Capcom's head of marketing for US and Europe Michael Pattison, speaking to MCV

What Capcom franchises and upcoming multiplatform games would you like to see hit Wii U?

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Viewtiful Joe.

Just thinking about what the GamePad could add has me drooling. Smilie

Something megaman related would be nice but the chances of that are very slim >.>

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