Mario Kart 7 Family Gaming Tournament Hits Britain

By Pip 11.08.2012 1

Mario Kart 7 Family Gaming Tournament Hits Britain on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo is on a mission to launch Britain's biggest family gaming tournament with Mario Kart 7 on 3DS. The tournament, which began last weekend, is set to continue through until the end of this month in 30 selected HMV stores across the country. Winners from the regional heats will then progress to the grand finale which is to be held in October later this year.

Whoever is crowned Britain's Fastest Family will win the new Honda Jazz Si and a limited edition Mario Kart 7 trophy amongst a variety of other goodies.

Ewan Pinder, Head of Technology and Games at HMV comments:

"The power of games can best be seen when you bring them to life and create some retail theatre around them in your stores so that customers can see and experience just how wonderful they are. So we're really excited to be partnering with Nintendo to showcase Mario Kart 7 as part of their Britain's Fastest Family Tournament."

Natasha Chatur, the Nintendo UK events and partnerships manager adds:
"We are really excited to be going on the road with our biggest family gaming tournament this summer. The Mario Kart games are loved by fans across all generations and it is fantastic to see families come together to compete to become Britain's Fastest Family. We look forward to working with HMV to bring the Mario Kart franchise to life this summer and offer our fans up and down the country a chance to engage and compete as a family."

To find your nearest regional heat and be in with a chance to win some fantastic prizes, click here.

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This is awesome! I wish game tournaments could happen on this scale all over the world regularly.

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