Code of Princess Character Showcase Trailer

By Az Elias 09.08.2012 4

Code of Princess Character Showcase Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Meet the main cast of Code of Princess, the beat 'em up/RPG heading exclusively to Nintendo 3DS on 9th October in North America. Atlus' latest trailer gives players a closer look at the featured characters. Additionally, anyone who reserves the game prior to launch will net themselves a "Sound + Visual Book," a special extra full of art and music from the game.

More details can be found on the game's official website, and the new trailer can be seen below:


Stay tuned for further updates on Code of Princess here on Cubed3.

Box art for Code of Princess





Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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That bright light censor on Solange's artwork is just hilarious. I'm surprised they're fine with her panties, although including that would make it even harder to censor.

Am I the only one who feels that they've heard almost all of these voices in other games before? I know Japan has their favourite voice actors who voice a ton of characters as well but it's much less apparent there.

I'm not a Zombie, I'm a Necromancer...

That just has to be the best line in the entire game. Smilie

themazemonster (guest) 09.08.2012#2

this.... actually looks... good...... Smilie

Monkey D Super (guest) 10.08.2012#3

That bright light censor on Solange's artwork is just hilarious.[

This. I nearly feel off my chair laughing my butt off.Smilie

Man, Solange's outfit has always been laughable. Kinu Nishimura must have been inspired by Aya (the protagonist of The OneChanbara series) when she did Solange's design, lol.

Gameplay looks great and very old school which is all I need.

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