Madden NFL 13 Announced for Wii U, Debut Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.08.2012 1

Madden NFL 13 Announced for Wii U, Debut Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

More sporting action from EA today as the gaming giant confirmed a version Madden NFL 13 for Wii U.

As well as officially confirming FIFA 13, announced via ONM earlier this week, EA Sports also highlighted a version of the multiplatform favourite with unique GamePad features.

Madden NFL was one of the franchises that instantly came to mind when Nintendo debuted the Wii U hardware; so new game that takes advantage of the controller was certainly just a matter of time. Madden NFL 13 introduces the newer career features, commentary and graphical upgrades from the other versions, also adding functions on the GamePad like streamlined play-calling, team management etc using the touch screen.

Image for Madden NFL 13 Announced for Wii U, Debut Footage
Image for Madden NFL 13 Announced for Wii U, Debut Footage


What do you think of Madden NFL 13 on Wii U and the GamePad-exclusive features?

Box art for Madden NFL 13








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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date None    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Some are claiming this Nintendo Madden is yet again an inferior version, this time because of the lack of EA's infinity Engine:

Don't you think Nintendo consumers are going to be frustrated by getting an inferior version of "Madden" again? The Infinity Engine is what defines "Madden 13," yet it's nowhere to be seen on the Wii U.

"It's not for a lack of want. We definitely wanted to get the physics into the game. The Infinity Engine is something that is a point of interest for "Madden" fans, it's just something we weren't able to achieve for this first year on the new hardware. A lot of times, new hardware comes with new challenges. But we were able to add things to "Madden" on a lot of different levels, like being able to draw your own hot routes and being able to change your plays on the fly and create your own plays, giving you the ability to do whatever you want to do pre-play. Play-calling is another area that could be underestimated at face value. You have your playbook fully exposed to you. You don't have to dig through menus and dig back out of menus to find the perfect play. There's a lot of searching around, I think, on the other consoles. Just the way it's laid out enables you to access everything very quickly. Then, of course, you're able to utilize substitutions and packages, making changes very simply and very intuitively by just tapping and swiping the screen."

( Edited 03.08.2012 20:00 by Linkyshinks )

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