More Localised Love for Pokémon Black/White 2

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.08.2012 3

More Localised Love for Pokémon Black/White 2 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Your favourite fighting critters are back in action in just over two months time.

A new English trailer for Pokemon Black & White 2 was posted by Nintendo of America earlier today to explain some of the nifty new additions to the game.

The direct follow-up to the last Pokémon generation once again sees you exploring the vast region of Unova, whilst nabbing new species variations and a Legendary or two. The past takes on a vital role as trainers uncover more of the mysteries behind these powerful Pokémon.

Nintendo also announced "Memory Link", a feature that allows those with Pokémon Black Version 2 or Pokémon White Version 2 to connect with a prequel to find out what happened to some of the characters inbetween the titles - certain scenes will depend on your actions in the first game. Players must have two consoles (either 3DS/DS) and copies of the game already synced to the Pokémon Global Link website.

Out already in Japan, Pokémon Black & White 2 makes its European debut on October 12th, and slightly earlier in the US on October 7th.

Box art for Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Game Freak




Turn Based RPG



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Must...resist...buying...wait a sec, did I see food that's much more effective than the drugs? SOLD!

The Memory Link feature is an excellent idea. I hope they really take that as far as it could go instead of just changing something small at the beginning.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Red XIII said:
The Memory Link feature is an excellent idea. I hope they really take that as far as it could go instead of just changing something small at the beginning.

It's not used as much as it imo should be, but it puts your old protag's name in various npc dialogues and stuff as well as updates some trainer teams to make them consistent.

I really hope it's a feature used for many Pokémon titles to come.

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