Fantasy Life Sprouting December in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.08.2012 1

Fantasy Life Sprouting December in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Want to board the virtual life train with Level-5 and Brownie Brown? Fantasy Life has been given a release period.

The eagerly anticipated release of the long-running collaborative project, Fantasy Life, has been given a December release according to the latest edition of Japanese magazine, Famitsu.

The project, which was conceived on the DS and since migrated to the 3DS, recently got a spiffy Animal Crossing-inspired look. It sees players venturing around town with various different jobs and NPCs to forge relationships with, whilst pounding enemies in optional battles.

No word on any Western release at the moment, unfortunately.

Box art for Fantasy Life

Brownie Brown







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I want this game SO badly. It would be my most anticipated title in a VERY long time.

Please bring it to the West! Don't make me hack, I want to give you my money!

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

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