Nintendo have confirmed plans to offer download codes at online retailers for upcoming download titles.
When New Super Mario Bros 2. and Demon Training to on sale in Japan this week, there'll be different ways of obtaining the game. Company president Satoru Iwata did highlight at this year's E3 Expo that purchasing online codes from online retailers would be a possibility, and now various outlets have jumped on-board.
Cross-medium titles will be available in multiple ways ways:
- Purchasing the boxed copy from a traditional retailer.
- Purchasing the boxed copy from an online shop.
- Purchasing a download code, which lasts 150 days, from an online shop.
- Purchasing a download code, which lasts 150 days, from an traditional retailer.
- Download directly from Nintendo on the 3DS eShop.
The cost prices for the games would be the same from Nintendo; with retailers setting their own pricing and offers.