Nintendo has dropped its UK PR Team Good Relations just a few months ahead of the launch of the Wii U. The agency, which also represents Blackberry and QinetiQ, started working with Nintendo in July 2010 but shortlists of potential agencies to replace Good Relations are expected to be drawn by the end of this month.
A spokeswoman for Nintendo comments:
The year 2012 is a big one for Nintendo and with this in mind we are currently reviewing our PR agency. The first round of this process has already been completed.
A gaming industry insider adds:
The challenge for the chosen agency will be keeping the existing Wii platform commercially viable as well as evoking excitement and anticipation in consumers and the industry for the Wii U launch.
Pitches are said to be planned for the end of August with the account having the potential to be worth as much as £350,000 to the victor.