Fantasy Life Gets New 3DS Look, Due 2012

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.07.2012 4

Fantasy Life Gets New 3DS Look, Due 2012 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Level 5's collaboration with Brownie Brown, Fantasy Life, is still on track for a 2012 release on 3DS in Japan, according to Famitsu.

The game has been in development for a fair time, and has a significant number of talented folk working on the title - including Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu and art/logo designer Yoshitaka Amano and has seen all sorts of changes in its visual direction - from the original 2D sprite-based concept on the Nintendo DS, to a sort of 3D update and now an Animal Crossing-esque design.

The game is a town/battle hybrid, with optional battles and a primary focus on exploring and interacting with fellow townsfolk. Players are able to dabble in the likes of chef, alchemist, minor and other jobs.

Japanese magazine Famitsu confirmed the title for a 2012 release, as well as revealing the title in its latest form.

Image for Fantasy Life Gets New 3DS Look, Due 2012

Image for Fantasy Life Gets New 3DS Look, Due 2012
Image for Fantasy Life Gets New 3DS Look, Due 2012
Image for Fantasy Life Gets New 3DS Look, Due 2012

What do you think of the latest look at Fantasy Life for Nintendo 3DS?

Box art for Fantasy Life

Brownie Brown







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Love it, the harsh outline became unnecessary.

( Edited 20.07.2012 07:14 by Linkyshinks )

Wow, it looks beautiful. The fact that Brownie Brown are working on it kinda makes me doubt it'll ever be released over here. But hopefully I'm proven wrong. I'm really LOVING the new look.

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It's interesting to note that some character designs survived through each version, like that white moustached guy in the armour suit.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I would absolutely play this game regardless of goal/genre, just because of the development team.

That original 2D DS screenshot really warms my heart. The Brownie Brown style doesn't come through quite as strong in 3D, but I think it's a good look for this type of game. It fosters a sense of exploration.

Send it overseas! I'll buy it.

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