World of Goo Creators Burn Wii U in Little Inferno

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.07.2012 7

World of Goo Creators Burn Wii U in Little Inferno on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The folk behind World of Goo are back with a new project that takes place entirely behind a fireplace in this sizzling new title. Burn!

The studio have formed a group known as Tomorrow Corporation and like previous projects are working on the new game as a complete indie outfit - no office, no publisher or funding. The latest title has been christened Little Inferno - a bizzare concept that has players "almost entirely in front of a fireplace".

Throw your toys into your fire, and play with them as they burn. Stay warm in there. It's getting cold outside! Burn flaming logs, screaming robots, credit cards, batteries, exploding fish, unstable nuclear devices, and tiny galaxies.

Little else is know about the Little Inferno​ project, except that it's due on Wii U, PC, Linux and Mac.

For now a teaser trailer to wet your appetite: 


​What do you think of ​Little Inferno so far?

Box art for Little Inferno

Tomorrow Corporation


Tomorrow Corporation





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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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I posted in the Wii U thread about this like a week ago. Smilie

Better late than never! Smilie


Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Better late than never! Smilie


True dat.

Yay a console exclusive for WiiU, let the others have to go on steam to "fill the gaps" for a change. Smilie

The only thing that I know about this game is that I am going to buy it as soon as it comes out on Wii U!

I bought World of Goo instantly on Wii. These guys have earned my trust.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

WoG was awesome, I own it both on the Wii and PC ("Pay whatever you like").

If this game is even half as good as WoG, I'll buy it.

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