Over 100 Swimsuits for Tekken Tag Tournament 2

By Az Elias 14.07.2012 23

Over 100 Swimsuits for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Namco Bandai is going all out with Tekken Tag Tournament 2, which is set to be one of the most packed fighters in terms of content when it launches later in the year. Whilst Wii U is not being mentioned right now in these trailers and the promotions of the game, we can expect all of the content to be in Nintendo's version when it comes out around the same time as the console.

At the San Diego Comic-Con, the developers announced that over 100 swimsuit costumes would be available as download content for those that pre-order the game. It's possible that this could be an early bonus, with those that don't pre-order perhaps getting them later.

Producer Katsuhiro Harada says that every character will get swimsuit outfits, including the animals such as Kuma and males like Ganryu. School swimsuits will also be available, with Harada stating the team included them since they suspected Japanese players would ask for them.

You can see the live action "Girls Power" trailer below, which also includes some more gameplay footage.

Image for Over 100 Swimsuits for Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Image for Over 100 Swimsuits for Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Image for Over 100 Swimsuits for Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Thanks to Andriasang.

Box art for Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai





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Well at least they have their priorities right.

Monkey D Super (guest) 14.07.2012#2

Where is my Jun in bikini screen?Smilie

Are they trying to compete with Dead or Alive 5 or something? xD

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

LKR000 said:
Are they trying to compete with Dead or Alive 5 or something? xD

That's the impression I'm getting. But they pretty much trounced Team Ninja with this swimsuit bonus. I can see DOA5 getting a lot more outfits and such to try and one-up them. Both games come out in September so it's obvious they're fighting each other.

You're kidding right Azu? The Tekken girls busts are too small to compete with DOA XD

But seriously I wonder what they're worried about when they offer pointless incentives like this...& the fighting system in DOA has always been better & faster than Tekken, no trouncing here Azuardo.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I'm definitely a DOA guy myself, too. But if I were to try Tekken properly again, this would be the one to go with by the looks of it. In terms of content, it's certainly offering more than DOA5 from what I can see at the moment. Fans want this kind of stuff, and Namco's giving it them. If I were a hardcore Tekken fan I'd be going ecstatic over all this content. I love games that cram in as much bonus content as possible (for free of course!)

Amen Azu...I STILL haven't unlocked everything in Brawl (Cruel Melee is just....CRUEL & Impossible boss rush/All-Star mode IS IMPOSSIBLE!!) there's one thing that'll give DOA5 a booster over TTT2 IF it's included....playable Samus Aran!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

In a way this could be a good thing if it gets Team Ninja throwing in more content and costumes etc for DOA5 to compete. That way, fans of both games win. Since I want to get DOA5 eventually myself, I'm hoping they do feel the urge to offer more stuff because of this.

Samus for the possible Wii U version would be great for Nintendo fans. It's obviously not going to sell as well on Nintendo's console without exclusive content like that, so hopefully Nintendo will be working closely with third parties to offer this kind of content. We've already seen glimpses of it in Tekken Tag 2 with the mushrooms. How's about Captain Falcon for Tekken as well? Someone that wouldn't be too out of place (although the Tekken roster is pretty nuts now anyway, so even bloody Mario would fit in).

Well I don't think you can be much crazier than having fighting Grizzly/Panda & a boxing kangaroo/dinonicus or even an Arnold Schwartzineggar robot.

But yeah Cap. Falcon/Gannondorf & maybe even Zero Suite Samus could fit in.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Justin (guest) 15.07.2012#10

DOA girls > Tekken Girls.

It's like Burger King > Mc Donalds.

I'm personally more of a Tekken fan myself but since I bought Dimensions for 3ds, I'm slowly getting more interested in the series though.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

LKR000 said:
I'm personally more of a Tekken fan myself but since I bought Dimensions for 3ds, I'm slowly getting more interested in the series though.

So what's your take on how Tekken Tag 2 is shaping up then? Is it looking like the best yet? Is all this extra content something you're really looking forward to?

Justin (guest) said:
DOA girls > Tekken Girls.

It's like Burger King > Mc Donalds.

Well the intent in Tekken is fighting. You can't properly do Capoeira with 10 lb jugs.

True IkeFE but it's STILL great eye candy. And to be fair I'd say DOA is more about fighting & reading your opponent than Tekken is, the counter geab system is pure GENIUS & after studying martial arts for several years I've come to understand DOA follows a more realistic fighting system than tekken does.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Having played both I feel Tekken is more timing based. Over the years its kind of become a juggler which sucks. Tekken 3&4 were peaks for the series as its become so smooth to pull off combos and such that the strategy is all but killed.

Azuardo said:
So what's your take on how Tekken Tag 2 is shaping up then? Is it looking like the best yet? Is all this extra content something you're really looking forward to?

It's definitely looking to be one of the better Tekken games with the amount of content in it so far. Plus with the new tag in mechanics and moves it should be a pretty awesome game.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101
guest (guest) 16.07.2012#17

Tekken girls are greater than Doa girls in looks and classiness.
It's like Carls junior and Burger king C.J. is obviosly superior in taste and size.

True....except DOA women have a much BETTER sense of Taste & have a much MUCH larger size. ;D So I think you've got it backwards but thanks for proving my point all the same!!

Tekken is like McDonald's, it's popular despite offering a crappy product. XP

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Justin (guest) said:
DOA girls > Tekken Girls.

It's like Burger King > Mc Donalds.

guest (guest) said:
Tekken girls are greater than Doa girls in looks and classiness.
It's like Carls junior and Burger king C.J. is obviosly superior in taste and size.

So, looking at these games all you can think of is fast food joints. Too busy gaming to prepare an actual meal eh?

( Edited 16.07.2012 10:44 by God )

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far apart...you're always in my heart. Love u!

Marzy said:
Tripe... It has that "make this game appeal to the generic macho male audience" written all over it. Are they that bad at making games they need to shove in some half naked woman because it will appeal to perverted men. Because if not, why not put the men in bikinis, as well? Oh wait, they're sexist and probably homophobic too.

Well actually... Smilie
Producer Katsuhiro Harada says that every character will get swimsuit outfits, including the animals such as Kuma and males like Ganryu.

(Kuma is a huge grizzly bear, like an actual grizzly bear not a cartoony one)

This is more for the Japanese audience than the western audience for sure, unfortunately swimsuits are a huge thing in Japan lately and yep it's pretty perverted but it exists on both sides of the spectrum (both men and women otaku love to see half naked men and women in their animus and games).

Whether or not the western audience loves this as much probably didn't apply too much to their decision, this is an extremely Japanese thing.

Considering there are well over 50 characters in the game, that's not too many swimsuits per character when you think about it (and the cast is half male half female, including a few bears, a dinosaur, kangaroos, and a wooden dummy)

Yeah it's really silly, but there's no point in getting mad at them when it's not really sexist or even really a choice relevant to western values and market.
You could say that one recurring problem with Japanese developers is how they always prioritise their local market over the really global one.. which is why a lot of Japanese games are perverted, because well that stuff sells there.

I'm defending this because well the game looks great and it'd be a shame if people hated it because of an optional bonus aimed for another audience.

( Edited 16.07.2012 12:40 by SuperLink )

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darkflame (guest) 16.07.2012#21

What disturbs me more is how anyone can get aroused while people are betting the shit out of eachother. Thats just sick.
I like a girl in a bikini as much as the next straight man - but it doesn't remotely mix with violence O_o

Daft Punk Pony (guest) 16.07.2012#22

Vorash Kadan said:
True....except DOA women have a much BETTER sense of Taste & have a much MUCH larger size.

Just wondring, better taste in what exactly?
Each to his own on that larger size bit, I don't personally care much for the DOA girls having larger breats then the Tekken girls as the DOA series always had enough fanservice as it is.

Well the costumes are more varied & conventional than in Tekken. TRUE Christie has that black S&M Stripper outfit from her ending in DOA4, but there's no Naughty Nurses outfits like that whore Nina & tramp Anna pounce around in among the DOA girls either.

And I take that back, DOA is closer to Carle's Jr. or Whataburger...but Tekken still has that empty dissatisfying like McDonald's.

Except for Lee, he'll forever be awesome! Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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