Dylan Cuthbert on Star Fox and Releasing Star Fox 2 on the eShop

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.07.2012 2

Dylan Cuthbert on Star Fox and Releasing Star Fox 2 on the eShop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The man behind the original Star Fox titles on the SNES, Dylan Cuthbert was recently quizzed on his game development ideals, inspiration and his work on the Nintendo space shooter.

Cuthbert was the focus in the latest GAME Mailbag on Facebook. He recapped on the team's initial work with Nintendo; and how Miyamoto insisted that the core gameplay concepts be the main priority over characters and storyline.

Thinking back to StarFox too and it was similar; we developed the game without any sign of intrepid furry space explorers for the first 70% or so, and then suddenly POW!, "let’s put a fox in the concept and make it a saga about his missing dad and the fight against Andross" and it sewed the game up nicely.

Cuthbert and Q-Games also made a follow-up to Star Fox as Star Fox 2 (Star Wing 2 in Europe), and he once again confirms that the game was fully completed, yet it still remains unreleased officially. The interview raised in interesting proposal - whether or not Nintendo would eventually cave in and release the game on the eShop/Virtual Console for download.

I doubt Nintendo would ever release it though because well.. they just have so many other games to release!

Recently Q-Games worked on a remake of Star Fox 64 for 3DS and Command on DS.

Will Cuthbert be involved in the possible new Star Fox for Wii U or 3DS?

I like to work on a variety of games or life gets a little boring! Star Fox is a great world and series of characters and one day I’d definitely like to go back to it and expand it further.

Finally, in terms of inspiration, he praises Miyamoto as his favourite.

Most definitely Miyamoto; his private face is different to his public face, and his style of chasing ideas and cutting through bull**** is brilliant - internally he’s kind of like a slightly more friendly Steve Jobs but just as cutting.

Box art for Star Fox / Starwing








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I played a ROM of ST2 - its great even in its unpolished state. Some nice ideas, real hope it gets released someday.

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jay (guest) 04.08.2012#2

:-x make a new star fox game for wii u

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