Tekken Producer on Wii U: Distracting and Underpowered

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.07.2012 10

Tekken Producer on Wii U: Distracting and Underpowered on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is making its way to the Wii U this fall, but the port has come with a handful of issues for the studio behind it.

The upcoming multi-platform brawler will be one of the first fighting games to attempt to take advantage of Nintendo's newer kit. Despite the leap into high definition and different controller setup, it's been a little bit of a struggle for producer Katsuhiro Harada and his team.

Speaking to Digital Spy, he notes how working with the Wii U has been tricky given the CPU clock speed as "kind of low", but with graphical output it's "not much of an issue".

I guess they’re [Nintendo] trying to keep power consumption down so we have to come up with creative ways to get around that and that’s taking a little bit of time.For example on PS3 it was kind of difficult at first, but if you made good use of the different cores, you could split up the processing tasks and you could achieve very good effects. But this is kind of a different issue than that.

Moving onto Eurogamer, Harada also noted how adapting the fighting genre to the GamePad has been difficult given how having to look back and forth would be distracting in such a fast paced environment.

We're thinking of making it useful as a way of having shortcuts. Or, by making progressing through the game more convenient. Or by playing alone on the GamePad screen.

Like any new system - the console has the capability, but it's potential can only be realised with experience and depending on the type of game being created.

Box art for Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai





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Well this is a great challenge devs should tackle head on. Games these days are too much of the same, there isn't the same sense of discovery or innovation as there was in the 80's-90's.

Ask yourselves this guys, when was the last time you played a game that REALLY wowed you, made you feel like you're doing something you've NEVER done before?

( Edited 02.12.2012 23:21 by Guest )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:

Games these days are too much of the same, there isn't the same sense of discovery or innovation as there was in the 80's-90's.

Ask yourselves this guys, when was the last time you played a game that REALLY wowed you, made you feel like you're doing something you've NEVER done before?

That's actually really normal when you've been doing the same thing for 20+ years. Not sure what you are expecting?

( Edited 28.12.2012 02:50 by Guest )

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far apart...you're always in my heart. Love u!

Vorash Kadan said:
Well this is a great challenge devs should tackle head on. Games these days are too much of the same, there isn't the same sense of discovery or innovation as there was in the 80's-90's.

Ask yourselves this guys, when was the last time you played a game that REALLY wowed you, made you feel like you're doing something you've NEVER done before?

Journey, about a month back.

( Edited 28.12.2012 02:50 by Guest )

Oops, looks like he said "difficult," not "distracting.


"Looking at the small screen [Wii U GamePad] and the big [TV] screen at the same time is pretty difficult for a fighting game. So we're thinking of making it useful as a way of having shortcuts."

"Or, by making progressing through the game more convenient. Or by playing alone on the GamePad screen."

And for Vorash, probably Portal.

( Edited 02.12.2012 23:21 by Guest )

Yeah I'll agree Portal was very interesting & brought freshness I haven't felt in YEARS!!

Marzy you need to be more specific, ALOT of things happened one month ago so give us a title will you.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Marzy you need to be more specific, ALOT of things happened one month ago so give us a title will you.
He already gave a title. Journey WAS the title...

Also, I agree with the things said about Portal. Smilie

Vorash Kadan said:
Ask yourselves this guys, when was the last time you played a game that REALLY wowed you, made you feel like you're doing something you've NEVER done before?

Super Mario Galaxy for me.

Sonic_13 said:
Vorash Kadan said:
Ask yourselves this guys, when was the last time you played a game that REALLY wowed you, made you feel like you're doing something you've NEVER done before?

Super Mario Galaxy for me.

I second this.

Worry that it's power is already coming into question...

Oh yeah derp sorry!! I know about Journey, but the way he phrased his sentence made it sound like he was being uber intelligent in telling me to look a month back lol.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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