Capcom on Lack of Marvel Fighters on Nintendo

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.07.2012 2

Capcom on Lack of Marvel Fighters on Nintendo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo fans recently quizzed Capcom on the lack of Marvel Versus titles on Nintendo platforms in recent years.

In the Unity Forums VP Christian Svensson responded to speculation that there could have been some disagreements/issues with bringing the popular Marvel vs Capcom series to the Nintendo world - given the emergence of Capcom vs Tatsunoko on Wii - also teasing future potential for Capcom projects on Wii U/3DS.

It's not some sort of spite thing. It's just that on current generation consoles, the most sizable base of active digital consumers has been on the X360 and PS3. Bear in mind, this game was green lit more than a year ago when I did the deal with Marvel.

Don't worry though, on some future unannounced Capcom projects, Nintendo platforms will get digital love from us.

Would you like to see the popular fighter emerge on Wii U and/or 3DS?

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All those with Wii joysticks will be happy to see anything in the fighter genre from them.

I've always thought Darkstalkers and Power Stone would be a good fit on WiiU. Anyway, there are game to be announced at San Diego Comic Con, I hope some are in line for WiiU.

Foxy (guest) 12.07.2012#2

Well, there are rumours that Darkstalkers 4 might be in development....

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