Would You Like a Donkey Kong 64 Sequel from Camelot?

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.07.2012 13

Would You Like a Donkey Kong 64 Sequel from Camelot? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The marmite entry in Nintendo's long-running Donkey Kong series for Nintendo 64 has inspired Camelot to ponder a sequel.

Donkey Kong 64, whether you love or hate Rare's efforts to take the cheeky simians into a 3D space, is a well received entry amongst fans, and the only title to involve a vast, open world to explore, unlike its 2D side-scrolling predecessors.

We thoroughly enjoyed our retro recap with the game, scoring a solid 9/10 in our Nintendo 64 Month review.

Speaking to Nintendo Gamer magazine, Camelot's president, Hiroyuki Takahashi, said that he would like to take on the franchise, given the games are "full of surprises" and that he would "love to make a sequel" to Donkey Kong 64.

Aside from Golden Sun, the company's main efforts in recent years have been soley sports titles - from Mario Tennis to We Love Golf, so it could prove interesting to see how the team would adapt to a completely different genre and Nintendo's beloved franchise.

Would you like to see the likes of Camelot or another studio take on the Donkey Kong series, like Retro did with Returns?

Box art for Donkey Kong 64





3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (13 Votes)

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I would love to see a new DK Adventure game. There is no way they could match the magic of Rare (RIP), but I really would love to see the adventure genre make a return. Seeing as FPS is ready to hand over the throne, I'm curious what will be the next big genre.

And I completely forgot about Camelot. I have no idea what they would turn out with, but why not give it a shot? It's cool that they are interested.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Why do i feel like Nintendo don't seem to care too much about the Donkey Kong IP anymore? They are so fixated on Mario and Zelda that they seem to neglected their own IP's and just get 3rd parties to develop their existing IP's, from Sega, Capcom, Retro and Camelot among others Nintendo IP's get loaned out far too often!

I would like to see a 3D DK but from Nintendo themselves!

Flynnie said: Why do i feel like Nintendo don't seem to care too much about the Donkey Kong IP anymore? They are so fixated on Mario and Zelda that they seem to neglected their own IP's and just get 3rd parties to develop their existing IP's, from Sega, Capcom, Retro and Camelot among others Nintendo IP's get loaned out far too often!
I really feel they haven't loaned there IP's out that much. Rare is primarily responsible for Donkey Kong's fame and I can't really imagine Nintendo making that in-house. What's the last thing they personally did with it? Mario vs. Donkey Kong? Not a bad game. Hardly of the same caliber as DK64 though.

I would like to see a 3D DK but from Nintendo themselves!
Ok, but only if it's the galaxy team. I'd trust them with it.

Flynnie, I can see where you are coming from but Retro's Donkey Konk Country Returns was an excellent game. It really felt like a stand alone Ninty made game to me Smilie Also I would love another Dk 3d Adventur. The first one was def a bit too fetch quest happy but it was still a ball to play! I loved both Banjo's back in the day a little more but bring back some Kong is my call as well!

When in doubt....Whip it out!

DK is good, DK64 was bad. It's one of the few games my brother and I sold after beating.

By the way, I feel a bit sorry for Camelot. Golden Sun 3 was so hyped, but I think the sales totally bombed.

Oh yeah, I have yet to play DKCR. It's still so expensive! Smilie

Not really, I would prefer Nintendo uses another company. The only quality Camelot games are RPG's, they should stick to making new one's.

Steelmullet (guest) 09.07.2012#7

DKC Returns! That's the true sequel. 3D Adventure games, although nostalgic and awesome, are done.

Another Retro DKC please.

For at least a decade, players have been whining that Nintendo keeps making the same games over and over. Well now Miyamoto's creations have grown up, and Nintendo is letting them out into the world on their own.

Miyamoto is preparing the company for his departure--They're starting a new generation at the company, so they want to focus on new IP.

Just about all of the "hand-offs" have worked in the Big N's favor, so I really don't hold anything against them for getting other developers involved. I think it's a great thing, actually. I wish Sony would follow suit.

( Edited 10.07.2012 08:00 by Red XIII )

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<
Monkey D Super (guest) 10.07.2012#9

No thanks, DK64 was lame for me. I really only liked the game's music.

bhillx (guest) 10.07.2012#10

I don't see what all the hype is about. I never liked DK64 as much as the DK country games. Would much rather have a new DK country game

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Linkyshinks said:
The only quality Camelot games are RPG's, they should stick to making new one's.

The Mario Golf games are tons of fun Smilie!!

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
gutNan (guest) 13.07.2012#12

Mario Tennis > life

chris (guest) 22.01.2013#13

i would love to see a DK 64 sequel by anyone if its as good as the first game.  if they bring that to wii u and start a new metroid trilogy then i will buy a wii u

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